Sunday, May 30, 2021

Now I Know What's Going On

I'm so glad this came up, where I live my Death Metal friends like down in Mexico and Indonesia places like that don't know anything about where I live up here.

Like when we were all younger right we used to take trips all the time doing stuff getting popcorn and candy free everyday with all these movies and stuff all the time.

Then when I turned 18 man they made me get my own some child star or something when they grew up and threw them out then they became David Spade or something.

Not me man, I just bought my own promotion and just kept going by myself like to keep the popcorn and candy coming.

Like by working at the mall and going to University and stuff, then I started my own promotion and I'm just living playing in a band and stuff.

Like back when we were kids, I just only did stuff that kept me at the theater and stuff - like they thought I was giving that up when I turned 18, no way man...I'm not giving that free candy up.

I just kept going by myself.

Everyone else there ended up in the real world somewhere with some slave job while I'm sitting here eating candy the whole time playing in a Heavy Metal band.

Then I went back down over there right and they have all these new kids working there now in my age group and they're all a bunch of pricks to me because I got my own money for our band stuff seperate from them.


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