Tuesday, February 8, 2022

CANADA: Native Americans Wrong On Freedom Stance

Quote: "Nepinak added that Canada's "privilege" and economy is built on systematic oppression of the Indigenous population."

No it isn't.

The difference between freedom and privilege is that Native American's get to live on free land....that's privilege. 

Freedom is their decision on what they're going to do with it.

Everyone else has to work and pay for housing....I mean there's not really anyone in the situation they mean unless they mean like a billion dollar salary.

Regular people just work and have nothing to do about it, that's not against Native Americans.

The work force would be fishing on free land everyday....that's freedom.

If anything Native Americans are more free than anyone in Canada compared with the workforce.

I mean why would they want to ruin anything from the "First Nations" to fight some workforce movement from people with a day job...this is why the Ice Road work will be such a positive experience for them to be with nature.

Like instead of getting ran over by 500 tractor trailers in the Ottawa River Valley....if anything Indians are mad about illegal truck driving is what it looks like to me.

I mean come on man, they hospitalized 2200 people yesterday...you can print it in the book that just like them and George Washington's group lost to England , when they were IN favor of slavery, like in 1812 that they'll be looking for Trudeau and the Queen to get rid of them because pretty soon they'll all be down at the reservation with this illegal "convoy" looking for free fish  and running them over twice like they just did in Ottawa.

I mean, yeah they got free fish Native Americans...but I'm not down there looking for it because I read it in a book like them truck drivers, they're all bums.


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