Sunday, April 24, 2022

RE: Old Colorized Videos From the Early 1900's

Apparently one of the main hobbies back then was jumping in front of the camera on the street when they first started filming.

I mean, you get the car first coming out and nobody has one and the road is still filled with wagons from the old west.

All the cars, horses, trolly and people all had to share the road at the same time, these clips are the "crossroads at the start of modern civilization" when the first big cities started with power and the automobile.

To lead to what is here today.

Everyone met and mixed in places like San Francisco and New York, then they still were going out in wagons while the car was going in, everyone had to share the road back then I'm saying...letting each other dart in and out of traffic in the street all getting along together.

This is also what I mean, everyone is in a rush since then...women had no vote but they just started setting the towns and cities up with cars and power then everyone is rushing to get new things like women voting when the men didn't have the town built yet....that's the stuff people don't understand.

They are rushing ahead too fast when the stuff isn't made yet and creating chaos and not letting people finish work and stuff and they think things are further along than they for cars or voting or the recent high def video promotions and smart phone failure when they promoted ahead of the manufacturer and they couldn't get the work done.

Back then is was stuff like voting and today it's stuff like true cinema filming on the smart phone.

The new frontier today, stuff like smartphones that's what people are doing trying to race ahead and use everything before it's done, just like back then with voting and just wasn't setup yet because the men didn't have the town built yet.

That's what I mean about myself on this blog, I have to live far away for work and no one's around because I have all this stuff to do and setup, that's how I was raised by those same people putting in the rail road and stuff...I have to live where the money and work is going to be at, later all the people who couldn't come can get here later when my store is open for example, when they are still somewhere else working and couldn't make the trip to where I live because of my University Degrees and stuff.


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