Tuesday, March 14, 2023

RE: Current "Political" Conditions

I mean not that we have much since the covid pandemic and the Cyclone and mass winter storms etc., now in Nova Scotia it's all dry mud and mulch blowing around with covid so thick you can see the haze in the air.

Everything is covered in a "dry dirt haze" that's blowing around now in Halifax.

Plus the place is ruined from the cyclone, I mean large department store's were documented as being abandoned in places....maybe that local area went down and is not reporting?

Later the bigger company will come in and have to find out why the place was abandoned, now stores like Zellers are coming back...

I mean large shopping centers are still open but there's a lot less "expensive brand name" everywhere and the food prices etc. and ruined with way overpriced items...they are saying $1.7 Million to retire in Canada now for your savings package.

Massive price hikes, I know people moved away because it's easier in land but moving around right now's not a good idea in Nova Scotia..I mean if your safe stay there.

Now you get these pricks coming out in scams during all this and now they are saying the Sunday Shopping Law and The Halifax Smoking ban were fake, then they tricked everyone to going along....so officially there is still no legal Sunday Shopping in Nova Scotia for larger stores.

Then you get these failed political platforms on the television saying now that they are passing new laws to cover the topics in fake stores on the news.

Like to tell people everything is still the same, because they are talking about the hoaxes in politics and instead of getting rid of them they are trying to regulate by passing laws against liars on the news.

Like to tell people everything is still the same.

I mean, you don't need to pass a law to tell everyone that nothing changed...I mean all these old laws came off the books in the late 1990's, now these hoaxes are saying their not true.

Then they come out and waste all our time and money by passing laws to say things are the same.

Now the courts are closed and they have 800,000,000 cases coming in to correct the fake changes.

Now everyone thinks things are illegal in Canada but no new laws have been passed really that affect anyone forever, aside from temporary laws for one time events...plus this is still during the Marshall Law act in Ottawa, so I mean everything is still the same in Canada as it always has been and in fact laws like prostitution came off the books twenty years ago, after that it's up to the people to put that service out.

No one did and some same scam is trying to make us pass a law a SECOND time by printing fake news and saying it's not true and then trying to ruin your business by fighting a scam court case against you like in my case, which has been backlogged.

Canada is like Amsterdam now, then the United States has the border illegally closed, after that it's up to the people to put those services out using the courts and their own lawyers in private, but in the meantime it's all scams on television printing fake stories and trying to make the citizens defend them in real court cases. 

Next is the Daylight Saving Time issue, soon they probably won't even use that because of Computer Time Clocks and will just set the local time to "current daylight hours" - local zone only.

That's because farming and stuff is technology based now so they don't need the time change, so the time will just be whatever it looks like outside soon based on your local area like Halifax which is ATLANTIC / CARIBBEAN time on The UK's "main time meridian".


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