Wednesday, November 29, 2023

RE: Smart Phone Music App Lame Feature

On Smart Phone you get this music player app, then when you minimize the screen to scroll left and right it doesn't skip tracks on small view.

I mean, you talk about wasted phone ram.

Shoppers Drug Mart had better cameras than them for $1000.

The phone takes a picture of the music player and then when you switch apps it takes a .jpg file and displays it as the picture.

Then you can't switch songs on small music player display because it's only a .jpg .

Then you get hacked with tons of new music loaded and my old hacked link is gonna be wrong for twenty years on the page.

Now Dungeons & Dragons and tons of stuff is posted and you can't even make sense of anything on it, I assume it's public domain with the pictures etc. now but the page is broken I mean you say just write Hasbro on it anyway and it goes out on that system.


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