Saturday, March 14, 2020

Oh Right, Yeah Look At The Victims List

This from the Halifax & New Glasgow MMA clubs, Sobeys Office staff and places like Convergy's call center staff.

This is who they attacked...they attacked me a perfect student and Death Metal band and I pounded them all and was arrested, plead not guilty because it was a home invasion attack on me they they lost in court when I defended myself, now they are all witness in my lawsuit against Sobeys over the home invasion and one of the witness I was looking for the ring leaders of the attack is Steve Skinner from Halifax MMA and he is already in prison for murder.

Then they gang raped, flamed and made Rehteah Parsons kill herself and murdered Stacy Adams.

So it's me blonde with long hair in a Heavy Metal band and University stuff, Rehtaeh Parsons with her name...Heather spelled backwards and a guy named Stacy which is also a girls name.

The victims are me Jason MacKenzie, Rehtaeh Parsons and Stacy Adams....all people who are better looking than them with unique names and appearances and they are all deformed with caluiflower ears and stuff and right gross looking.

Yeah I get it, that's who they are assaulting...that's probably just the short list because I don't know who else was flamed and harassed but I pounded them all outside for it, then two murder victims.

There are probably way more victims than that, you make me sick...puke.


Yeah, I'm gonna pass out.

Now listen to this, for me this all started in 2007 around the last time I played live around the Halifax, North End "heavy metal" scene.

I knew MMA people from New Glasgow, NS and some were my attackers in a home invasion and robbery on me when I worked at Sobeys in Atlantic Canada we were playing in the Death Metal scene and with bands from the Sony group or artists and their distributors.

None of the other people I knew had anything like that going on in the City here, it was just in Death Metal, MMA had no audience and people are saying they were jealous that we were playing with Sony level artists and then the MMA came down and attacked the bands playing with Sony assaulting people and trying to steal money.

These MMA people also worked at or were married to people working with me at Sobeys Office, then they tried to steal my SAP Computer Designs at their office...not only that people are saying that Sobeys were pissed off that I had the SAP Server Designs and that my band was playing with Sony Artists in Halifax and Sobeys was not invited as a sponsor and their name did not appear on any show posters.

So when were playing we didn't have Sobeys where I worked as a sponsor and it was from Sony and they had no attention and neither did the local MMA club, then I was attacked by people from Sobeys and they tried to steal my SAP Server designs inside the office and my home was robbed etc. by people including MMA fighters.

Right, then what happened is they tried to steal my record "Collapse - Mechanisms Of Oppression" and then sell it without me from people from Sobeys and MMA then now they are saying they were all heroin dealers or something.

So I was attacked when playing with Sony level Death Metal bands by people from Sobeys Office and the local MMA because those two groups didn't have Sony sponsorship like we did in Heavy Metal here in Halifax plus they weren't allowed on the show posters.

So Sobeys wasn't a sponsor and got no endorsement and neither did MMA, then they attacked me for my SAP designs from their office to take my money for the designs and the steal my record and tried to sell it and it was people on heroin, now one person is in prison from the MMA group for murder in Halifax.

I knew this anyway and now it is in the news, the people who did that were on heroin at Sobeys and in the MMA most likely and wanted my money from SAP and my music records for heroin and stuff and they attacked the Sony concert tours in Heavy Metal in Halifax like with me in a home invasion.


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