Friday, June 9, 2023

RE: New USA "Metal Tours" hahahha

Why they try to pass Napalm Death off as the same band now I have no idea with no original members in it., I guess I'll back to "Scum" and try and sell that one at my store.

Then all the other bands never got any better and can't fill the sound out, now they don't even have hit hats on their bands barely and missing half the drum kit...then they're all on there changing the live sound all the time.

You never progressed or became better musicians, does it ever suck on there now, must be a full packed summer of shitty bands playing, Cannibal Corpse and the whole lot of them.....

That was the big seller, these sales are gonna drop...then fans are only going to by the original albums, a one million or something...I value the whole thing 1980 - today of that one, "metallica bands" worth about 30,000 copies each per record.


I mean, who would invest money on that from a big corporation when they can max sell 30,000 and the rest of the sound cost too those bands are finished and still playing...pretty soon they'll just be amps and that's it hahahahahaha.


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