Friday, July 10, 2020

MUSIC: Metallica - Three Different Lead Guitarists On One Song

Cliff Burton from Metallica got killed when they crashed the tour bus, before that their bassist was Ron, he was featured on Metallica with Mustaine, Grant and Mcgovney on Metallica XXX.

Then Ron he played before all that with Mustaine before their first album.

Before that it was just Lars and James.

Like this, three different lead guitarists on the song "Hit The Lights".

Metal Massacre Vol 1 - lead guitarist was Grant
No Life Til Leather -  lead guitarist was Mustaine
Kill em All  - lead guitarist was Hammet.

All on the same song, so Hammet is playing Mustaine and Grant's solos on Kill em all, how much of that was him? None of it or what.

Then, Cliff was just in the band just joining it.

He came form the band Trauma.

Then when you look up Trauma with Cliff Burton the promo video looks exactly like the Metallica demo songs.

It even looks like Metallica replaced the members of Trauma for Cliff Burton, so if you watch Trauma it looks just like early Metallica.

Then Cliff took their look and songs to Metallica.

Then Kirk Hammet played the other peoples solos on Kill em All.

So who was Cliff Burton some drifter or something, getting Metallica out on the road and crashing the bus or something, making a name for himself or what.

Like dragging a band around with him planning to crash the bus or something with Trauma for one year and Metallica for several.

Like who was that guy.


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