Saturday, August 19, 2023

HALIFAX: Fake No Smoking Ban Scam Outed, Mic Mac Mall No City Smoking Rules

There are no smoking laws in Halifax anymore because they all got beat in court.

People on $2 fake sports motorcycles and crappy Harley Davidsons starting harassing everyone all covered in old faded green tatoos, then people started putting up fake no smoking signs in apartment buildings and then were outside asking people if they smoked.

So they got caught trying to put in a fake smoking ban, when there is no smoking ban anyway.

They lost the case because cannabis is medicine and you're not allowed smoking it outside.

So you have to do it in your apartment.

Now you can smoke anywhere in public like at the Mall and restrauants because Nova Scotia lost the smoking ban court case.

All this during flooding and inflation etc., and it's all poor people from the slums with the fake court everyone else can do whatever they want now back to normal like smoking at the Mall and stuff.

I mean though...

The public just has to start doing it now, because the ones who complained was the scam that got busted.

What that means is there is just open smoking in Nova Scotia now and there's no one to say anything to you because the court can't take the case because the government lost outside in the street.

Now the Malls and restaurants will be packed now because smoking anywhere is back.


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