Sunday, June 28, 2020

CANADA: New Disability Tax Credit Interface

Like this on with your case worker from home.

Just follow the pictures while I read you the script and then just match to the image.

So to get the new Disability Tax Credit this is what you have to do with your caseworker, so you need something like to keep track of your progress.

The two sections on the chart are "welfare" and "financial planning" which is blacked out because the first box isn't finished yet.

So I made a small item list in green of things that I have to do to apply for the Disability Tax Credit.

The first steps 1 - 4 in green are the things I have to do to get my rebate.

Make chart to show worker.

Click on task one to leave a note for your worker.

Click on task two to receive a note from your worker.

Click step 4 to provide worker end of day update.

Click step 5 to hear back from caseworker.

Like that.

At home with your worker to get your emergency benefits.

-END- Project Management | Review (2019)

CANADA: Planning & Tracking Your Investment Budget With Your Caseworker

In order to qualify and manage all those investments files for your caseworker at home from your welfare cheque you're going to need a good accounting program.

I recommend using

At you can plan all your budgets, bill payments and project plans with one tool through your Google login. gives you all the free tools to manage your bill payments, calendar, reminders to do your budget as well as track your small business plans and stock market graphs.

This will help you save money by budgeting and managing your money online with your payment reminders and bill scheduling, and tracking your stock investments.

You can use this to prepare your files for your caseworker to show them your investment projects or even add them as a user to your group meeting board for them to review your budget from their office to help you plan your investments with the twenty dollar a month investments.

Then you can just add your case worker to your project plan and leave messages on the board for their review, when they login they can leave comments on your investment board and help you make corrections for their office investments when they review your files.

They can even send you little notes on your home budget board, like this..."Jason - New bus program cards to be issued this week, throw out old bus pass." 

Then you just write back on your home board and let them know how it went.

Then write back and say this "Hi Julie, I got the new bus pass in the mail and threw the old one out just like you said, by the way when I went to use the bus they wern't even charging."

Then she will update her notes on your board for your budget and calendar plan that she reviewed and closed your items on your home budget from her desk at the Community Services Office.


CANADA: Investing Your Disability Or Welfare Cheques With Your Caseworker

Like get started don't worry about if the page is Canada or United States or not, we just want to get the idea of what we are doing as a basic understanding.

Which service you use can be figured out later.

What you welfare or disability caseworker needs you to do is to hold like $20 a month off your cheque.

Then the rest is as simple a registering a basic internet website, only instead of a domain name it is a Penny Stock.

What you need to do this is several things a bank account with debit and credit card features like a Visa or Mastercard debit, which is just the credit card feature with allows you to shop on the internet with you debit card as a Visa or Mastercard.

I'm pretty sure most debit cards have this feature. 

The debit / credit card at the bank on your chequing account will then allow you to access the Federal Government through online banking to process your Federal Benefit Payments from Revenue Canada.

Then you need a place to buy stocks and an account selection to spend your $10.00 a month.

Then take the receipts to your welfare worker and then she will start the process to approve you for your Federal Emergency Tax Credits like extra GST rebates when available.

With your online bank account you need to open an online stock market purchasing account at Amertrade or E-Trade. 

In Canada I believe Ameritrade is TD Bank Ameritrade.

Open an account at Ameritrade:

E-Trade if available:

Then get a list of Penny Stocks from that you will purchase on Ameritrade.

In this example I'm getting BAYTEX, HEXO Corp and MEG Energy.

Like this:

BTE Baytex : $0.66
HEXO $0.94
MEG Energy: $3.52

It's good to get two cheap stocks and then a $4 stock just to compare the stock growth differences on the TSX page.

Then buy that every month with your ten dollars. 

Then give all your receipts to your case worker which is like once a year, that is all you have to do.

That's only $5 to get started in Penny Stocks.

After your review your worker will know which stocks you have on Ameritrade, like in the Ameritrade picture she will just be able to look up which stocks you bought to see how your investments did each year.

Then she will review your Ameritrade investments and let you know what rebates you can apply for like the covid disability tax credit and help you begin the approval process.

This is important because she can just follow along with you separate at the Community Services office because she has your investments list, so like in the picture in the screen above you just hold $20 off your cheque per month then she will review how your stocks are doing to review for your extra benefits just for having money in the account.

Then having your caseworker handle your stock file for you off your welfare or disability cheque will approve you for future rebates from the federal government through her office because she will known what you qualify for by watching your investments remotely at her desk on your case file.

Then when new programs come up she can automatically approve them for you.


So I just checked and Ameritrade takes you to TD Bank, so you need a TD Bank Investment login to open an account to buy stocks and bonds for your welfare case worker.

Instead of doing all that I'm just going to stop in to the bank this week and then just schedule and appointment to open the RRSP and Mutual Fund package at my bank.

Then if they don't have a stock market investment package with that, which they probably do then I will go to TD Bank to get the rest through Ameritrade.

Then I will let you know on this page how it all went and how long it took as I progress to apply for my Federal Tax Credits of the Federal Corporate Investments Program.


CANADA: Corporate Federal Benefits Packages For Cheque Reciepients

So I just found out about this earlier this week.

I'm going to be 45 this year so it's time to start planning for my retirement for when I get my old age pension at 65, before that today there are things you can do to invest in your retirement savings plan.

The Federal Government is asking you to use your welfare and disability cheque by supporting them on the Toronto Stock Market by using their Bank Services Programs listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange so they can use this money to raise more funds.

What they are asking is that the Federal Government can see you in their new programs if you invest in the stock market using you disability or welfare benefits.

Once you do that you qualify to apply for the Disability Tax Credit.

So this stage is the approval process.

First apply for their corporate banking savings programs using your bank account, to get a cheap listing of RRSP, Bonds and Disability Savings Programs.

That qualifies you at the welfare office for extra money - when it becomes available.


They have extra programs at the Federal Government for returns off your welfare cheque if you also have a stock market portfolio.

This is why Penny Stocks are huge and unstable on the Wall Street and Toronto stock markets right now, all these companies are all fighting for a spot to release new apps in the Ford vehicles that have switched to a Spotify like dashboard.

This allows you on your welfare cheque to earn extra benefit credits from the Federal Government off your welfare cheques.

That is what I will be walking through on this blog.

What you need to find is a good Penny Stocks Trading Page, I started here:

Then you take a small amount of money like $20 to play Penny Stocks on Wall Street and Toronto through their web interface.

Then you watch on the stock market to see if your stocks are going up or down or not.

That doesn't matter, the welfare worker doesn't care what happens with your Penny Stock Money, they just need the slip from your using their service.

They use that to start processing your covid relief benefits like the Disability Tax Credit through the Stock Market.

Having these things on your file automatically qualifies you for Federal Government handouts through the welfare and disability office.

The penny stocks page is just like a little gambling page, like a game on the internet they allow you to play to get your name on the federal tax file at the welfare office to qualify you for future relief benefits.

That's to go with your RRSP, Savings Bonds and Disability Savings Plan that you will recieve back when you turn 65 as extra benefits on your old age pension.

When I find a decent Penny Stock Investment Page I will post the instructions on this blog, that is where I am right now.

In the meantime to get setup you need to add this to your file at the Community Services Office for your welfare and disability cheque, and to start generating interest at the Bank and Federal Government for a higher Federal Payout when you turn 65.

You need:


They are asking you to add to your file the following section at the welfare office and bank to connect you to the new Federal Corporate Banking Programs, that's for your savings off your welfare or disability cheque and higher rates for your old age pension at 65.

Then add this section to your file at the welfare office:


RRSP: $0.000001
Mutual Fund: $0.000001
Disability Savings Plan: $0.0000001


Penny Stocks

Stock 1: $0.00001
Stock 2: $0.00001
Stock 3: $0.00001

Use a small amount off your cheque to buy the bank and stock investments and then give that stub to your worker for her to complete your casefile.

The $0.00001 only represents the initial deposit to get started investing your welfare or disability cheque at the bank and stock market which will be managed by your case worker.

After that they will tell you what you qualify for during the approval process.

This frees you up to buy and sell penny stocks on the internet to keep the file open at Community Services which will be managed by your case worker to qualify you for the Federal Programs like the $300 One Time Disability Tax Credit Handout

Just remember to use the $20 every month to keep your file open so your worker can qualify you for extra Federal Benefit Handouts when they become available under the covid emergency relief federal financial handout at the Community Services Office.


CANADA: Federal Relief Package Falls Short Of Citizens Expectations

To qualify for Federal Government Programs for COVID Relief Money, this is where you need to start.

For welfare & disability reciepients:

You need to go to the bank and get a "Corporate Federal Tax Bond".

Just take your welfare or disability cheque to the bank, then use a small amount like $20 per month to invest in the basic savings and interest programs like an RRSP or Mutual Fund.

That is the Corporate Federal Tax Bond.

Take the documents for the bond that you get back to your Community Services Worker from the Bank like the "Corporate Federal Tax Program" documents to show your worker you have made an investment in an RRSP, Savings Bond, Mutual Fund or Disability Savings Program.

That costs like $20, then your worker will start the process to have you approved for the Disability Tax Credit from the Federal Government.

After this process if you are approved for the Disability Tax Credit then you put your name in for the Disability COVID Relief benefits and when they issue new cheques you will get $300 if your name is on the list.

You get that from the Disability Tax Credit.

That allows you to get COVID Relief money off your Corporate Federal Bank Investments from the Federal Government.

So now would be a good time to get a mortgage and put the money into savings and investments at the bank because the housing market has crashed because of covid and you get larger returns on your investments off your mortgage and then qualify for Federal Government handouts like the Disability Tax Credit off the Corporate Bank Disability Savings Plan.


Like this, Canada's Federal Government has begun issuing the financial handouts.

They are putting all that in right now, so do this right away and don't even worry about it.

For the next part in the emergency benefits if you are on disability or welfare you just need a stub from the bank to bring to your worker.

So they have the welfare office at the bank teller again from Ottawa, during covid.

So they increased front line pay, now they are expecting the bank tellers to be the welfare office.

The bank is the financial backers of people like Trudeau and Trump, so Trudeau issued the approval forms to the Bank for the covid money from the welfare office to the the bank tellers have to process all the welfare and disability forms.

What they need at the Community Services Office is a slip from the bank saying this:


RRSP: $.2.19
Disability Savings Plan: $1.19
Mutual Fund:  $4.87

You could also bring them penny stock slips like this:


XOR: $0.19
WEED: $.98

In Canada you would include cannabis on your penny stocks to show that you are investing in the Federal Cannabis Tax Program.

So an easy slip like that for $20 will show your caseworker that you have made the Federal Investments to quality for their benefits packages at the Community Services Office.

Then they will put your name in for everything available based on your investment level.

Like an agreement between the Government and the Bank to let them hold a piece of your welfare cheque.

Then the group amount is issued from the public to the bank, this qualifies you for Federal Relief Programs on your welfare cheque by showing the Bank Owners you are willing to let them hold a piece of your welfare cheque.

After this you qualify for extra benefits from the Federal Government like $300 for covid disability benefits under the Disability Tax Credit which has only been issued once so far.

It's best to get your name on the list as fast as possible, no matter what happens if you are on welfare or disability the government has said in their documents that the bank teller will represent your casework to get you the proper slips.

Then just invest the minimum amount at the bank for maximum coverage in all available programs.

Plus penny stocks if you want to qualify for Federal Stock Market Tax Programs off your welfare cheque.

Then take the $20 from the case worker to the bank teller off your cheque and the teller will represent them and give you your paper.

Then take the paper back to the case worker and they will start taking the steps to qualify for the extra welfare benefits from the Federal Government off your Corporate Bank Investment.

Not only will you qualify for covid Emergency Federal Tax Handouts you will also have a small retirement and savings plan at the bank with possible stock shares for around $20 per month.

That's money that you can't touch, to start your savings in the bank...the money you can spend is off the welfare programs that you qualify for with the tax slip from the bank at the Federal Government.

So the $20 per month investment to the bank allows you to receive future handouts from the Federal Government and qualify you for one time Federal Payments like the $300 Disability Federal Tax Covid Payment earlier this year.

Important to remember is that during programs like this the Bank and Federal Government need as many people as possible to sign up for their new Corporate and Federal Tax Programs like welfare and disability benefits.

What that means for you is that they will sell you a cheap package with maximum coverage and returns just for putting your name on the list with a small investments package, that saves the bank and federal government work by having the customer put their own name on their welfare and disability cheque at the bank.

The more people that sign up the cheaper it will be for the bank to process your welfare and disability cheques by saving them staff wage hours.

Later those savings will be given back to you, cheque reciepients as larger returns and federal payment availability by putting your own name on the list to save them money.

Then you will receive faster returns and larger welfare benefit options under new Corporate Federal Bank Investments here in Canada.


Testament - Titans of Creation (FULL ALBUM 2020) | THRASH METAL

Judas Priest - Night Crawler (Audio)

Carcass - Keep on Rotting in the Free World

Friday, June 26, 2020

Halifax: Bums Downdown

You wouldn't even believe what happened to me downtown tonight, I'm on my way back from the Cannabis Store on Clyde Street Halifax and I'm cutting though the new Bank Of Montreal World Convention Center on like the first night of summer.

Then they are all these fucking bums down there.

So the street is closed and both sides of the side walk are packed with outside restaurants.

This black bum comes up to me right, in front of all these girls all dressed up on Friday night eating at the outside seats and sticks his fucking arm at me right out of the crowd in public in front of all the girls right and goes, "hey man, gimme me some money".

Right from the North End man all living in the same house outside together with the people from the home invasion at my house in 2008, all shooting up heroin in the garbage.

Oh I bet all the food in the garbage tastes good with all that heroin up your arms in the trash.

So I go bitch slap bum if you take one step closer and I totally owned him in public in front of all those girls and shit.

That was so awesome man, thanks!

Fuckin' snap.


MEGADETH - Full Set Performance - Bloodstock 2017

Malcolm X on Front Page Challenge, 1965: CBC Archives | CBC

NEWS: Atlantic Canada Bubble Opens Nova Scotia For The First Time Since 1867

Nova Scotia Returns This Summer
Well at least that I'm aware of. 

Starting July 3rd Atlantic Canada will return to its historic past this summer by opening the traditional country of Nova Scotia founded by King James 400 years ago as the crown of the Thirteen Colonies as a covid health bubble.

As the Country of Nova Scotia returns this summer free passage will be granted from inside the traditional Nova Scotia border, which excludes northern Maine in the United States, from Province to Province inside the traditional historic border.

Visitors will have a 14 day health quarantine before being allowed free passage in the region, which will still be limited under the Emergency Act.

This places Nova Scotia even higher on the tourist schedule this year so plan on staying an extra two weeks in the region to visit Nova Scotia as it was traditionally under King James. 

Travel here to the region is recommended by car or airplane as cruise ships have been banned for the summer, I'm assuming from the British Navy.

Expect camp ground and parks to open up as tourist season begins. 


Thursday, June 25, 2020


POWER TRIP - "Executioner's Tax (Swing of The Axe)" (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

AMARANTHE - 'Do Or Die' Feat. Angela Gossow (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)

BODY COUNT - Point The Finger feat. Riley Gale (OFFICIAL VIDEO)


NAPALM DEATH - On The Brink Of Extinction (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

Cannibal Corpse - I Will Kill You

Hank Williams, Jr. - "A Country Boy Can Survive" (Official Music Video)

Elvis Presley - Suspicious Minds Live in Las Vegas

Hank Williams - Your Cheatin` Heart w added bass track, fantastic sound!

BOXCAR WILLIE : Hank And The Hobo (train country song)

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Cro-Mags - In The Beginning (Official Full Album 2020)

SPORTS: NHL Plans Paper Champions

I don't know what they are saying about sports but they are talking about playing this year, why.

The sports year is already over, there's no hockey this year it's already June.

You are the paper champions, who all want your name on the Stanley Cup or MLB Trophy with no season...that is not sports.

Only today with the current government where they fraudulently issue money with no equality across Canada will have this the same event. 

You are the welfare office, all wanting your name on the cup with no season or all the trophies get awarded with no wins or stats.

Why don't you all drop dead so the rest of can continue uninturrupted.


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

CANADA: What Is The Parliment Talking About?

Al Jazeera ia calling for Canada to lose it's seat in the UN or something, I understand what they mean.

Like they have the Prime Minister on tv everyday running some telethon or something.

Like they come out right and go..."everyone gather around, we're making todays announcement...",  then they go "one dollar for extra masks for font line workers." then they go back inside.

What are they taking about?

They think everyone is waiting around outside for the daily bullet point.

Todays announcement..."0.20 cents for fiscal returns on your summer taxes." 

Then they go back inside.

Are you joking or what, nobody's listening to that.


The Ataris - The Boys of Summer (Official Video)

DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince - Summertime

Bryan Adams - Summer Of '69 (Official Music Video)

Summer Breeze - Seals & Croft #1 Hit(1972)

The Go-Go's - Vacation

Bananarama - Cruel Summer (Official Video)

The Lovin' Spoonful - Summer in the City (Audio)

Monday, June 15, 2020

12 Newest Best Supercars 2019-2021

The 2019 Ford GT Is America's Insane $1 Million Supercar

2019 McLaren 720S Review: Yes, it has cup holders

COMMENTARY: Small Town Mentality

Small Town Logic?
This is something that recently came up with me, small town mentality...I'm trying to remember the context of why but I can't.

I grew up in a small town, however I was not isolated in the area. 

Although I am from a small area I spent most of my time involved in activities and things and I was always away doing things in the City and besides that my town is in a heavy tourist area so I knew many people from far away and was always involved in music and partying around me like when I went away to university and stuff then I planned to move away to work in technology before Canada's government failed and lost all the top technology positions, then the old government blocked students from credit at equifax when their was no work so they couldn't get home loans.

After that it's all job sharing now in Canada with their degrees so they only get one third salary for three people and all the top university students making $150 - $300 thousand are all out of work with thier science degrees.

Then they got all these other people job sharing and they have no scientists or anything employed to develop stuff like mp3's and stuff, computer technology.

Like Canada's government is's just like two people there Justin Trudeau and his helper blocking our cheque benefits.

Then Canada's government doesn't want any new technology from citizens in the top university graduate section because they are all job sharing for $50 thousand each so they can buy bannna clips or something. 

That's the they live in the garbage and offer no support to citizens and don't want any new technology because they are all working there off the old one triple job sharing so they can eat at McDonalds on their lunch break.

Then Canada offers no programs or support for any university graduate or regular citizen.

That's what they are running for election off of, why would you vote for a government that needs three or more people to do the work of one unemployed university graduate.

No one would ever vote for that. 

For example Canada doesn't want things like the new super train system in Europe and Japan...why?

Probably because it only takes one person to put it in and they can't triple job share, just remember that no voted for that system and they are just making it all up lying to the public so expect them to be arrested.

Not only that Canada offers no support to the obsolete car and road system for it's replacement. 

Car's that drive themselves and can't crash under normal condition's should be mandatory on all vehicles,  like why should that be in the McLaren and not all cars.

Those car systems belong in all cheap cars first not the McLaren Supercar, which will be down to $100,000 when they get the Ford Focus working first on the new car and highway system that is coming in with the Super Trains. 

Small town mentality...this is the perfect example...

When the new roads go in for the new super car technology why wouldn't they want the road signs that go with them?

That's because they don't know what it is.

This is what people mean and I think they have some of this in Europe and Japan where they also have the trains, not like here in Canada which is just the forest anyway and one guy in the parliament blocking our cheque benefits so they can triple job share on the old road system on the other end.

Like it's pretty simple with the old government....road blocking, train blocking, credit blocking, triple job I get it, the old government didn't have any resources at all, and were just triple job sharing their pen and paper clip dispensary. 

So don't come here to my house from the parliament and ask me for something for them to run at the government because I'm better off than them without working at all and living out in the forest in Canada.

Like when I own a big piece of land some day don't come here looking for my hoes and plows and stuff  for Ottawa when you don't know how to build roads or issue cheques with my equipment, so their not getting it.

I'm not putting my stuff into the Canadian Government like the designs for the automatic freezing machine for the new microwave that I mentioned in a previous post because they they can't do anything with it because there's nothing there.

Then they come around asking for you to let them be in charge of your inventions in Ottawa when they are illiterate. 

Why would I let them be in charge of my property when they are illiterate and I can run it by myself.

No one would ever support those people.

It's pretty simple...on the new roads and probably the current ones cars can't crash mostly because of the auto steering and braking system on the gps road when something happens they just slow down and stop on their own. 

Canada says they don't want that because they can't triple job share because they need the actual University guy to install it. 

Who would vote for that.

I mean it's pretty simple you go on the road in the new car with the cheap Focus or something and it can't crash then the road signs are color coded to match the gps.

Like this on the new highway they have different colored road signs like this....white means hospital, blue means highway, red means provincial park etc.

So when you have to drive a long distance to go to the city to see a specialist at the hospital you just follow the white road signs and it takes you right there, then you just program white signs into the gps system and then it follows all the white markers like flags to get you to the hospital, then if you are just traveling red means like provincial parks or something.

That's the work that Canada threw in the garbage when they stopped paying university students so they could triple job share.

Drop dead man, they are all getting arrested....I'm not supporting that or using the old one, I'm just gonna sit here not doing anything until the new work goes in. 

No on elected them to do that, then they just want to triple job share on the old road system.

Who would use the Trans Canada Highway with all that going on, what a waste of time building all that they only got forty years out of the road and now they're just sitting there not doing anything now they are just sitting there triple job sharing for McDonalds money for their lunch break, pathetic. 

My advice, just ignore everyone and live in the woods until the new road goes in....that's when we'll finally get rid of those cheap illiterate pricks at the Provincial Government here in Halifax and at the capital in Ottawa.


Monday, June 8, 2020


Metallica Live without Lars (feat. Dave Lombardo, Joey Jordison, etc.) (...

Megadeth - Live at Resurrection Fest EG 2018 (Viveiro, Spain) [Full Show...

Testament - Live at Resurrection Fest EG 2019 (Viveiro, Spain) [Full Sho...

Mayhem - Brutal Assault 2017 - Full Concert

Defeated Sanity - Propelled Into Sacrilege (Bass Playthrough)

Defeated Sanity - Imposed Corporeal Inhabitation (Official Music Video)

NAGLFAR - Last Breath of Yggdrasil (Visualizer)

Saturday, June 6, 2020

1990s: After Bankruptcies, Donald Trump Goes From Building To Branding |...

NYC Vanishing Landmarks: A 1995 video time capsule - The Urban Eye pt. 1

New York City back in the 70's and 80's

UNITED STATES: Trump Laywer Rudy Giuliani Firms Linked To 9/11/2001 NYC Terrorist Attacks

Presidential Lawyer Rudy Giuliani Platform Linked To 2001 Terrorist Attacks
Here is some new information coming out about the 9/11/2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City.

In fact the World Trade Center was bombed twice under these conditions.

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani who is now President Donald Trump's Lawyer who is also from New York City has been linked to the Terrorist Attacks in New York City twice.


Government Defense Construction Contracts in New York City in the 1990's, including in their group Benjamin Netanyahu who has been indicted on corruption charges and has identified Donald Trump from New York City as his biggest supporter.

In the 1990's as Mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani initiated a construction clean up of New York City for the city's revitalization.

Again, these construction jobs went to non government private contractors to rebuild New York City, the same group as Osama Bin Laden's family construction business.

Trump who is also in real estate and construction in New York City under Giuliani at the time also would have benefited from the revitalization.

The clean up contracts in New York City under Giuliani that went to defense contractors who would have actually built the construction projects for the cleanup in New York City.

These private contractors working for the government then has complete access to build in New York City including people like Netanyahu and Bin Laden, these contracts allowed foreign terrorists to operate in New York City under the disguise of construction for city clean up.

This allowed them access to the World Trade Center which was then attacked twice and destroyed.

What I am saying is that Giuliani allowed terrorists to operate in New York City under the construction contracts, which probably also included Trump, then they used this access to blow up the World Trade Center.

Putting the blame on Giuliani and Trump for the attacks.

The story people claim is that these construction contracts allowed terrorists to plant explosives in the World Trade Center under the guise of city clean up. 

The story is that the buildings were detonated after the air plane attacks by the people on the city clean up contracts because building were destroyed but not hit by planes and you can see detonations in the buildings as they blew up.

Again. the government claims no knowledge of these events.

Prior to this South Bronx in New York was destroyed by gangs and fires in the 1970's:

Giuliani's platform for Mayor in New York was the clean up and revitalization of the city to recover from the destruction of the South Bronx, this went in during the 1990's.

Private Government Contracts were then given out to rebuild New York City, which included people like Netanyhu and Bin Laden whose family owned a construction business which they used for terrorist attacks.

Right away the World Trade Center was attacked in the early 1990's after the construction contracts were awarded then destroyed at the end of the 1990's in 2001.

Obviously, this is Giuliani's fault as it was his program and government contracts which would have also benefited Trump who was in real estate and his partner indicted  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyhu.


This puts the blame for both World Trade Center attacks on Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump in New York City who were in charge or would have worked on the contacts. 

It is their fault the World Trade Center was destroyed because of their New York City clean up program to recover from the 1970's which was again given to private contractors which allowed them access under the construction deals to blow up the World Trade Center.

Today, the same people Giuliani and Trump from New York City are now in Washington D.C. and have betrayed their core political platform to fall back to their regular tactics of the 1980's and 1990's in New York which led to the destruction of the World Trade Center.

Now they are asking you again to let more people die under Covid so they can make private money off government contracts like when they let people die in New York City in the Terrorist attacks for their New York City construction contracts in the 1990's for the 1970's New York City revitalization.

Again, these people do not represent the citizens and need to be removed from office permanently because they now asking the citizens to go without money and government funding off their tax dollars so they can make money by letting people die off the tax payers like they did in 9/11/2001 and again this year in 2020 off all the deaths form Covid.

Now they should all be arrested.


Friday, June 5, 2020

In Flames - ...As The Future Repeats Today - Clayman (HQ)


In Flames: Live at Wacken 2018


CANADA: Trudeau Issues Money To Disability Tax Credit


Here we go again, they said they are issuing a one time payment of $600 to disability reciepients:

...See it says "Canadians with disabilities" then when you read it is wasn't everyone. SCAM.

That means that you only get the $600 if you are on disability and you work.

Then in the small print they go... have already qualified for the "disability tax credit"..

What the fuck is that?

Now if you are on disability you don't know if you are getting that or not.

So everything's only if you work.

Like what the fuck are you people talking about?


If you are on disability and work then that is an automatic tax credit that should be given to everyone

Now they spring that only get the $600 if you filled out a form years ago that says you are working on disability.

Then when you look at the page it's the same medical report to get the tax credit that it is to get the disability cheque.

Like you talk about scams in the government.

If you are on disability and are able to work....that is you evaluation for your disability cheque.

Then they fucking wanted another form to get the tax credit and medical report???


They just took the medical report to get their disability cheque....if they can work that is just the regular disability tax break.

See that's what I mean, then you get approved for the disability cheque they want another approval for the tax credit.

Why the fuck would you need that?

Getting a disability cheque automatically gives you the tax break.....why would you need another form???

Then people who didn't do that what? Don't get the $600....then what are you supposed to do go apply now for it during the money handout when you can't and then get a new medical evaluation for the $600 when it's automatic anyway.

That's what I mean, they take one approval sheet...then break it into multiple steps that you don't need wasting money and time plus then people miss out on the tax breaks and credits.

If you receive disability in Canada the tax break HAS to be automatic because it is unconstitutional to make them reapply to get the rest of the cheque boxes filled out on the form.

So now if you are on disability you only get the $600 if you work...AGAIN like with tall their fake policies.

Now they don't give you the $600 because you only qualify if you work.

So what if you are able to work but are on disability but didn't work?

Then you didn't apply for the form for the tax break....

So you didn't have it.

Then when they issue the $600 you didn't get it because you have no form even though you qualify.

That is illegal and unconstitutional.

That's because the tax break has to be automatic to avoid these situations.

Now people who qualify but don't work didn't bother to fill out the form now they are not getting their $600.



See it's a scam...look right here in the news article:


"The government says that because of the special one-time payments going to seniors, the amount seniors with disabilities will receive through this stream will be less, but in the end will total the same amount of $600."

They said that seniors who are disabled and got an extra $500 will get less than $600 for the disability payment.


They means disable senior citizens who work.


Ummmm, senior citizens are retired.

Why would a retired senior citizen receive a disability tax credit for working when they are retired?

I mean fuck off.

Right so if you're a retired senior citizen and work.....they mean you get an extra $600.

Who the fuck is that like one person?

So they meant disabled senior citizens who work.

They get an extra $600 if they have a disability tax credit.

Who wrote that the fucking Nova Scotia Tenancy Board?

Like this....

"You get an extra $600 for being a disabled senior citizen....only if you work, hahahahahhahahah", "just like all our other programs, fuck you."

How many senior citizens work?

Not many.

Then how many are working as seniors PLUS disabled AND qualified for the credit to get the $600.

See they are a scam and fucking they said they are giving disabled seniors an extra $600.

Then to get it is impossible because they want you to be retired and disabled with a special tax credit.

Yeah that's fucking no one, that is a scam and fraud. 

What do you people think work means anyway? Breathing air or what?





Lamb of God - Routes (Official Visualizer) ft. Chuck Billy

Cirith Ungol "Before Tomorrow" (OFFICIAL)

DEE SNIDER - Prove Me Wrong (Official Lyric Video) | Napalm Records

OZ - Goin' Down (Lyric Video)

NAGLFAR - Cry of the Serafim (Visualizer)

Behemoth - Evoe (Offical Visualiser)

IN FLAMES - The Clayman Returns! (OFFICIAL TEASER)

DESTRUCTION - Nailed To The Cross - Live @Partysan (OFFICIAL LIVE VIDEO)

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Slipknot - Duality at BBC Maida Vale Studios for the Radio 1 Rock Show

Slipknot - Psychosocial at BBC Maida Vale Studios for the Radio 1 Rock Show

ThulĂȘan Mysteries

SINISTER - Apostles Of The Weak (Lyric Video)

SINISTER - Deformation Of The Holy Realm (Official Single)

U.D.O. & Das Musikkorps der Bundeswehr - We Are One (2020) // Official M...

VOIVOD - The End Of Dormancy (Metal Section) (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

TRIPTYKON with the Metropole Orkest - Rex Irae (Live at Roadburn 2019 / ...

OZ - Break Out (Lyric Video)

Story of a Nobody

ONSLAUGHT - Religiousuicide (2020) // Official Lyric Video // AFM Records

FIRESPAWN - Heathen Blood (Lyric Video)

Brutal Assault 23 - Behemoth (live) 2018

BEHEMOTH - Live At Maida Vale 2018

DESTRUCTION - Nailed To The Cross - Live @PartySan (OFFICIAL TRAILER)

WORLD: Global Covid Propaganda Scare

Did you all just see that?

What they meant was that was just some kind of drill right and everything opens tomorrow, then they gave us like $300.

Then all they were doing was setting up the hospitals to deal with covid and now that they are done they are just going to treat it there and we can go back to normal.

A little over hyped wasn't it, just to get the hospitals setup with covid treatment facilities. 

Now everyone is rioting. 


New government contracts awarded after covid defense drill:

See what I mean, testing the public by running a drill on us for protesting their political backers....defense contractors.

Then now they are just checking the backlash with defense contractors and called out the military to show they can hold back the population.

Then they just keep issuing new contracts mocking everyone.

Like they are pretending they represent us in Washington D.C and Ottawa and they don' here they are working together right in public when we don't want them...the ones running the drill in the government is who we don't want because they don't represent us...then their contractor they are going to be jailed and their money seized.


The Cranberries - Zombie (Official Music Video)


Beastie Boys - No Sleep Till Brooklyn (Official Music Video)

The Cardigans - My Favourite Game “Stone Version”

Bananarama - Cruel Summer (Official Video)

Paramore: Misery Business [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

The Donnas - Take It Off (Official Video)

Kim Mitchell - Go For Soda

Danko Jones - Lovercall

Sloan - The Good In Everyone

Ramones - I Wanna Be Sedated (Official Music Video)

The Sex Pistols - Anarchy In The U.K (official video)

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

1988 McDonald's Golden Time Commercial

Rocket Launch Failures Compilation

Alex Jones claims psychosis made him believe Sandy Hook was staged

Summer Covid Plan

Now we're going city to city they are saying for covid relief in Canada.

Watch out for the second wave from all those protests and then they'll probably introduce "black covid" because of the protests and then start locking them down...I bet that's what they do to get them back in the house.

This gong to be the longest most boring poor summer for a lot of people to ever exist, get your old wooden seat out and your tumble weeds and go find a corner somewhere.