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Monday, February 28, 2022
REVIEW: Donair Dippers
I automatically assume that most people know what these foods are, then when pressed I mean where I live at around pizza shops and entertainment, like near movie theaters and live events like New York.
People away form that might not know about this stuff, but people hear about it around entertainment.
A donair is the other pizza and was invented in Halifax, so if you want real donairs they were invented in Halifax.
People might not have even heard of that somewhere else.
Pan fried foods that you have to cook in the oven that release tons of grease out of them have really gone out of style.
I'm sick of products like this that pool grease in the bottom of the pan when it cooks and can spill into the bottom of the oven creating a nuisance smoke cloud in the kitchen, the same with over fatty cheap meat products from discounted farm selections.
Like from overfed cattle that only ate cheap food and the meat is all fatty.
Products like this "Donair Dippers" don't specify the pan depth specifically and doesn't come with it's own disposable cooking pan.
Cooked at the wrong temperature with grease pouring out of them in the oven make this food "oven pan fried" with too much grease from the donair meat in the baking pan.
These products have really gone out of style, plus they get hard on the stomach, too much grease coming out of them in the oven.
This tasted like "chicken cutlet crust" as they describe on the box, I don't think they even make that anymore which they mean on the package like a "chicken burger" it tastes like donair meat with a chicken burger crust on it cooked in grease pan fried in the oven with a greasy crust on it like a chicken burger with too much grease coming out of it with donair sauce on top.
Opinion, this product looks like it's going somewhere, donair sticks or something, but this one isn't.
Doesn't taste that great and greasy pan fried oven foods are really out of style now because of better dieting and modern ovens that cook at more "regular temperatures".
I find this food bulky and I had to cook it at 375 degrees instead of 450 degrees to get the taste to work without burning the food, that's because there was too much grease in it for my new oven and I had to turn the temperature down and lengthen the cooking time in my oven to get it to work.
Sunday, February 27, 2022
RE: Heavy Metal Bands Still Playing
This is the message I got about all them old heavy metal bands, the guys said they're all going to die out on the road playing metal.
That means we got tons of new classic metal coming out for the next couple decades anyway, this is all great for me though because I'm out there blogging anyway, except my plan is to die in a luxury mansion so I'm going no where near it.
Them guys are going out with the leather jacket man, they all said they're staying on the road...this is also good for me because I just started my Lemmy Motorhead "1916" stage, he still had twenty albums left to put out at my age.
Anyway...I'll be there in essence with them anyway because I'm not allowed down there that long, but I'll be still blogging along with my record store stuff that's not stopping.
I also just got a tons of free press on the internet because I bought and it's listed on all these news pages, Hasbro bought the main company to make Dungeons & Dragons shows and I do that booth to at .
When they're out touring dying on the road in a few decades, I don't think them guys realize how long twenty five years is from age 65...that's how long they said they're gonna be out there, I'm gonna be selling my stuff at the comic book conventions and stuff later for my comic page, then I'll also be around the expect the comic book business to be invaded by heavy metal.
Saturday, February 26, 2022
RE: 70's Metal
The Iron Maiden sounding bands that didn't make it, people said no one can play it because it's too heavy...or the people playing all suck or something.
Now no one's performing the old songs and new bands are coming in to demo for them for new official versions like on K-Tel versions with the same producer or production doing official new versions with new artists.
So they can sell them at Wal-mart or something in the old DVD section.
Friday, February 25, 2022
RE: The State Of Halifax
Yeah, I'm seeing what's going on now...we got tons of storms this winter and the city is just starting to get moving on all the new construction downtown first is what it looks like, now it's all brand new concrete basements wide open with new buildings going up.
Now all the old buildings are getting abandoned and are falling down but people always stay until they pull them down, anyway in the abandoned part if the city pulled out you're allowed using an abandoned building for shelter when you need safety.
At the Victoria General Hospital it looks like the one that was replaced before the 1980's now, it looks like blood spraying out of the back of it in a snowstorm is what it looks like to me.
That's all run down now and all you probably get now is the old green concrete floors and old medical tools in the old hallway now but it's still there, just remember that's everyone's hospital here if they get sick...just remember that, you'll be getting an operation out in the old elevator down in the basement until they get a new building is what it looks like is happening.
RE: Evil Invaders
What are these official versions now?
I guess you gotta sell them somewhere I guess, anyway bands taking over the song performances of older songs will get them back in stores anyway.
The mall here still has the cd and dvd bin, I mean it'd be pretty easy to slap a K-Tel in there somewhere at the mall of new official versions, like new bands taking over the songs as official versions for the record company, then they'll see how they do with them to see if the songs going to come out or not.
Thursday, February 24, 2022
RE: Ukraine Russia War
The war footage is starting to come in now, Ukraine has declared martial law and put flak jackets on news reporters on live television during air raid sirens.
I'm waiting for people to broadcast the live stream phone camera walk around on youtube form inside, just sit and wait until the footage starts to be released before getting too excited so you know whats going on.
RE: Evil Invaders "Exciter" Cover
This is a cover song of Exciter not "banger tv" like everyone up in Toronto says.
NEWS: US Faces Truck Convoy As Canada Clears Blockade, Russia Invades Ukraine
World news happening, Canada has cleared the truck blockade as the United States now faces one in Washington D.C. , Russia invades Ukraine after Putin summits with China and North Korea.
RE: Vladimir Putin Spy Controversy
Putin's biography says he was a spy for the KGB, the media criticism is that he is corrupt.
It's a common fact the spies for the KGB undercover are embedded in organized crime and corrupt groups, in reality contrary to "fake news media groups" probably running off the data breach in the Ukraine, has gave him inside knowledge of the Russian criminal underworld.
This has led him to be a world leader in Russia by using this information to protect the Country now as President as he has inside knowledge of his enemies and criminals from his time embedded in the criminal underworld when he was in the KGB.
Obviously, Putin aware of this threat along with the leaders of China and North Korea has stepped forward to protect their interests in Asia in the new Ice Road from Halifax to Australia, which also includes a second road from Halifax to London, England by land through Russia, in the local region.
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Follow Along With Me On Blogger!
Follow along with me on Blogger when I listen to music and watch videos!
Monday, February 21, 2022
RE: Rob Reiner Metal Band
You have to remind people of this, Rob Reiner's metal band is Spinal Tap.
RE: Monsters Of The Multiverse Review
This is what I mean about reviewers in Dungeons & Dragons and with the house rules they use.
Right away they open the book and say it sucks because the inside cover says some content is compiled from other books, yeah but now it's an OFFICIAL RULES format.
Then, they think they can improve the book by picking characters to include that Hasbro didn't.
I mean, why don't you try the monsters in the official book first before you complain looking for new ones.
Anyway, you're not winning any fans at like these.
I mean obviously Dungeons & Dragons is not your game, then it's all house rules.
Why don't you play a game format that you do like, if you're just buying one that you hate to complain on the internet.
Write back when you actually played the full game as it was written by Hasbro on official format next time, in the meantime Hasbro probably didn't read this.
Sunday, February 20, 2022
Diary Update - Feb 20-2022
It's not the 1970's anymore, I mean Lee Majors is 82 now.
People looking for shows from back then, I'm saying the people just aren't there anymore. The producers of old shows have passed away years ago and must be well over 110 now if they were still living.
The world moves on everyone, it's not the days of a three channel television system on a wired converter box...I mean it works on a few shows on digital on the smart phone, like you could run a small television station like from the 1980's on the smart phone today.
What I mean is shows like Spider-Man And His Amazing Friends on NBC in the 1980's the people that made that aren't around anymore, like the producers and Stan Lee have probably all passed away by now.
The original creators of the show have to bring the show back that's where they all went, when I say shows like Spider-Man And His Amazing Friends...the creators are the ones who have to write and produce the show...they have to say what the show is, the original ones that make it successful.
It's up to those people who know how to make it to bring the show back, that was a long time ago everyone and people passed away.
What I'm saying is my tribute page that content is not on the internet, then there are tons of shows that never got copied over to the internet with fan pages and stuff and I mean when you start doing that it looks like old NBC from the three channel days on the smart phone.
I mean, the page isn't loaded on the internet from the creators from NBC in the 1980's, all kinds of shows are in that state.
Like no one's promoting the characters as the original shows today, that's because no one works there anymore.
Plus, why would you want to be there today if you were better off financially than back then like someone like me....that's just a bunch of old stuff in some box somewhere.
I'm saying there's a big market though if someone started putting all that together.
I mean I can write Robocop: Delta City and Three's Company The Movie all I want but I mean I need the original Clarence Boddicker the actor to play that role in the movie, you know the guy...Red Foreman from that 70's Show, he's the boss in Old Detroit from the South Bronx.
Like in my Robocop script, I need the real guy to play that role if I made the movie.
Then I mean in my Three's Company The Movie script, that would have to be all new actors though.
So if Cindy's moving out of Chrissy and Janet's apartment and Jack's moving in because the girls can't cook and Mr. Roper is in trouble with the court and they're all having a big dinner this week then where's Terri at?
What I'm saying is she's probably at the hospital working then.
Friday, February 18, 2022
Strange Stories Coming Out Of The Blockade
Canada is now under the Emergency Measures Act.
Here are some of the strange stories coming out.
-several military people arrested for "running" something about the "convoy".
-body found of murdered woman after killer was already convicted.
-child missing for two years was recovered.
-fake "services" like "rent bailiffs" apparently were using a fake computers strung from other peoples businesses to outside copying their files and then setup "fake offices" then their group just pretended to be using the services with people going along, apparently from places like Amway, then they were showing people in the town fake rules that weren't happening and they got caught or something.
Then they were sending "rent bailiffs" to peoples houses with fake collection notices and then checking to see if "their were holes in their daily routines" like not looking after their apartment by looking in the door, then they tried to come and sit in the mess saying they "had problems" because of the mess then they started trying to boss them around about it.
Like checking to see if people had a full schedule and daily hygiene and activities like ballet that keep them out.
Then they were harassing them and trying to make them quit to put a hole in their routine then coming back to their house to try and tell them about the fake rules they made up and trying to show them on the computer, then they tried to force their way in to the house and live their squadding.
Instead of making their own home, they used the data breach to make a fake government service like "the rent bailiff" who started checking on your mess, trying to "tell you about the mess" or other fake topics so they could live in the house uninvited, that's the rumor.
They tried to take them off their routines like ballet, so they could replace it with people squadding in the house.
Then they tried to string them out on heroin and then bleed them for money from the MMA.
Thursday, February 17, 2022
RE: Spotify Podcast Controversy
I don't know what this issue is, it was mentioned to me. Spotify has a podcast with "Joe Rogan" and I don't know who that is.
I mean, the Podcast on Digital is only available on Spotify I think on that one service and not others like itunes or something and they have no distribution but Spotify owns the Podcast for $200 Million Dollars.
The "controversy" is they are apparently spreading misinformation about covid which has upset many artists etc.
The host is from the show "Fear Factor" and "MMA" fighting two things linked to the spread of covid and unsanitary conditions, I mean does every gravel worker have to also be an MMA fighter or what?
Like out in the dirt and then wrestling with other men all the time grinding around on some mat tapping each other or something.
I mean, the reputation of both is awful...with the MMA assaults and harassment on so many people and multiple court issues, then it's covid products and truckers every time and then misinformation.
I mean, maybe Spotify bought some show and got stuck with the host or something I don't know, this stuff is so small no one cares...I don't care what this is it's all pathetic anyway.
It's not something that anyone would follow if they had anything else at all to do.