Sunday, February 27, 2022

RE: Heavy Metal Bands Still Playing

This is the message I got about all them old heavy metal bands, the guys said they're all going to die out on the road playing metal.

That means we got tons of new classic metal coming out for the next couple decades anyway, this is all great for me though because I'm out there blogging anyway, except my plan is to die in a luxury mansion so I'm going no where near it.

Them guys are going out with the leather jacket man, they all said they're staying on the road...this is also good for me because I just started my Lemmy Motorhead "1916" stage, he still had twenty albums left to put out at my age.

Anyway...I'll be there in essence with them anyway because I'm not allowed down there that long, but I'll be still blogging along with my record store stuff that's not stopping.

I also just got a tons of free press on the internet because I bought and it's listed on all these news pages, Hasbro bought the main company to make Dungeons & Dragons shows and I do that booth to at .

When they're out touring dying on the road in a few decades, I don't think them guys realize how long twenty five years is from age 65...that's how long they said they're gonna be out there, I'm gonna be selling my stuff at the comic book conventions and stuff later for my comic page, then I'll also be around the expect the comic book business to be invaded by heavy metal.


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