Friday, April 21, 2023

RE: Government Strike Dotwntown In City Areas

I was down to the picket lines twice...

This group already lost the strike and the whole Government Sector will probably be removed.

The strikers at Alderney Landing were all outside with "biker people", homeless people, the kids at the Woodlawn High School by my house at the NSCC were dressed thousands of times better than them and were all making fun of them telling them they were done.

The play at the school was "Mean Girls".

All the strikers looked homeless with no degrees and were not washed with crippled homeless people saying they were the "strike enforcement team"...the homeless people form the North End.

I guarantee that this group is fired, they have no work because it's obsolete and they didn't finish the programs.

A company like "Sobeys Company" that I worked at and sued was only worth $5 Billion dollars and today I think they only ran for staff wages or something and my case was insured in the long term.

Now SAP the Government Software Platform failed in business outside.

The government and business in Nova Scotia did not have the money for the "installation process" for government workers to operate at a low education degree Community College / University Low Level did not have the $150 million to buy the installation disk to run the offices.

That means all staff of SAP related systems education was so low that they didn't know how to run the SAP installation  disk for daily work,.

Then the cost savings were lost because the 80% staff reduction never happened to save the government money because the government staff on strike didn't have the education to run the software for under $5 Billion the company value and the staff bankrupted the offices because it took too many of them to run the cd because of the lack of education and now no one works there.

Now they are all fired.

Anyone with these claims are going to be fired.  

They have no education they can't run the software and they didn't make the cost savings mark so there is no strike.

Now new computer systems replaced all their old work so they are closed and not returning.


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