Thursday, April 13, 2023

RE: Miami Job Openings In Sports

 ...right, continued from below....

Now people say they are going to print tons of new baseball cards and their's going to be this big low level business boom in Miami at sports collectable and sports equipment stores.

This is a great time to print and collect new baseball cards, value Zero...

I mean, paper is so expensive it lowers the value to print baseball cards on them, someday they may still be collectable.

Topic reminder, digital currency and new card paper.

Real Digital Currency is like Canada's 0.01 Cent...because they no longer have pennies.

Like sports cards pennies in Canada cost over 0.01 cent to make so they have switched to Digital Currency, an actual one.

In the future cards will be printed on "currency paper" like money to give them an assigned original value based on their copper, bronze, silver, gold or platinum print...

The metals in the paper preserve the value, after this collectable value will be added.

Hopefully, MLB will start printing these to support the new MLB Sports markets opening like in New York and Miami.


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