Friday, April 21, 2023

RE: Work Srike Claims From PSAC Union can sit here writing back to this all day...which I don't really care.

They said it right on the tape so fuck you you're fired.

This group that didn't work already said they were $40,000 - $60,000 dollar bracket.

That's only University Business Four Year Degree and then not even Systems Analyst which is $75,000 a year at my job.

These "lack of worker" people who don't know how to run the computer cost me $150,000 a year for my company, then I had to start over from other means because these people on strike and that's where I worked at in the office group from my University Grad Class in 2005 is EXACTLY who it is and they are fired.

The I have to stay home and not get my University 7 year degree money, when I was the first grade 12 group form the 1970's gifted classes and it failed now all these people are only grade 8 or something.

You hear that yet PSAC Strike?

You get no jobs because you can't run our installation disk now good for ya then.


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