Friday, January 12, 2024

HALIFAX: Radio Reports Canada / UK - "War Report" , Updated

Halifax news radio the SAME one as New York CBS Sports Affiliate at night....

Update, They said Halifax Mooseheads was now the Columbus Blue Jackets and the star player was hurt for weeks and is now out in the Championship against Quebec.

Reports that Africa has backed Hamas in the War In Gaza, saying that Israel has committed genocide in Gaza and SUED in court in at the Hauge and LOST.

Israel reports that it DOES have the right to defend itself against genocide claims in the attack.

The hint on the report was that there is chaos in the region and that the genocide that started the open conflict was soldiers on all sides that became awol and fought without the countries backing is the hint from Canada on the radio,

Now Canada / UK has in stepped to back the United States in Yemen against an Iran faction backing both parties in Gaza against Israel who have attacked international shipping in Canada and the whole UK.

Now Canada is at War with Yemen and Iran factions, while they falsely accuse Israel of genocide using awol soldiers or something.


Israel has just entered a war with Africa who are trying to occupy Gaza while they sue illegally from Africa and was thrown out by Israel at the Hauge.  

Now Canada is at war with Yemen (All UK countries they mean) who have attacked UK shipping in Yemen from Iran.

Some faction.

No response from Iran on the radio to say if the group was officially backed or not like Israel has already done, saying they are outside factions from Africa and Iran fighting.

Now the larger military is stepping in from the UK to move shipping back to normal conditions by bombing Yemen who they claim is backed by Iran.

Update, they said the Dalhousie University professors have a new plan for emergency shelters and now they have students at the school working on transferring some old stuff they had on the campus to build the shelters which the University said was probably the best option.

Homeless people then LEAVE the lobby area where they were squadding and then held a woman against a wall by the throat in their office.

Now these buildings need new security, they said the man was squadding like in the lobby of the ferry terminal and then when into and office space like a doctors office or professional clinic and grabbed a woman by the throat and held her against the wall.

Until now, people squadding were only in the lobby now they are trying to come into the offices in day hours and have attacked women working alone. 


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