Thursday, March 26, 2020

CANADA: Ottawa Federal Bill Falls Short Of Public's Expectation

Julie Payette: No Deal From Public For Canada's Governor General
So where's the money at then? 

Government Federal Aid bill offers $2000 under the Emergency Response Benefit cheque, for those affected by the virus, that's everyone.

Now in Canada we have a new monthly cheque coming out called the Emergency Response Benefit which is $2000 a month, if you can't work because of the virus.

I haven't  worked in years, where's my $2000?

Now people getting laid off or have no income because of the virus are getting the Emergency Response Benefit Cheque.

Now just stop right there, they are all forced on welfare and then they gave them $2000 a month....why not regular welfare rates?

Then I thought there was a hold on their bill payments.

No deal Ottawa, the Emergency COVID-19 Bill only offers an initial funding of $52 Billion Dollars and hints at only being money for virus survivors like 3000 people.  

That initial bill is not worth anything, and offers direct work support they say at the start of the article. 

Then where does all the money go? To Corporations because their staff is laid off? 

I mean is that the staff from the Corporations that is laid off getting the money for their workforce?

Plus that is an area around virus exposure, because of Corporate business travelers coming from China.  

$52 Billion Dollars, I don't know if that's a lot of money or not in a crisis like this. So where is the money going then? Like, what did they buy with the funding.

Like let's see an audit of the budget spending and then they show us first of what happens with the money. 

So no, this bill is no good. It is an amount money with no clear example of what it actually buys in Canada, how about they should show us what that buy's then we'll at home decide what we need with the money, then they put our stuff in it to.

Why are they helping them first, they already have money? 

I mean, if they don't have money because of the virus then they don't have to tell their creditors anything because the government has to fix it. Plus they have credit cards and stuff and should have money anyway like in their savings and stuff.

The point here is the workforce needs to sit out first because they all work, they need to back off with this so regular people on cheques like welfare, old age pension and disability can have their needs covered first, plus they are the most susceptible to the virus.

Seeing a government relief federal aid package is great but why is it aimed at the workforce first, shouldn't that be aimed at the sick and all that first and cheque recipients.

Plus the public needs time to say what they need with the money.

Here's what I took from the news article about the bill.

The new monthly supplement is the Emergency Response Benefit Cheque, $2000 a month for those laid off because of the virus.

Now like this, if they can't return to work they are not allowed to cut them back to regular welfare rates because they will lose their property and homes and become homeless.

The government in that position has to hold them in their income bracket, because if not they will be forced homeless.

That means they will be getting $2000 a month welfare because they can't cut the money off.

Then they will have to balance that with the cheque recipients and give them all a base of $2000 a month, that's because they can't cut them back...then they have to raise the other cheques to make everything equal to be fair.

The new monthly cheque is called the Emergency Response Benefit cheque and comes with the mother's allowance and pension cheques.

In Canada, issuing a federal relief package only to the workforce during a pandemic, then cutting their funding if they can't return to work which makes them homeless because if they are forced on welfare, then not helping welfare recipients and only temporary money to the Corporate workforce for virus help only is the death penalty in Ottawa from the International World Courts in Europe.


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