Saturday, April 17, 2021

MLB CONTROVERSY: Are Umpire's Controlling The Game?

Just watching the Yankees vs. The Rays AL Division Play...

Are umpires controlling the game?

Like with their +/- for bad calls....say 1.5% tolerance for bad calls, then they use the bad calls in situations where they can determine game calling a strike or ball to let the hitter keep hitting if they want to by using their +/- tolerance for their job for bad calls.

Like if they want the hitter on first, they just call a ball to walk him and then just tally it on their +/- bad call tolerance.


That determines game direction.

Not only that, it's Mickey Mantle Day and all that there today or something, like it's the 70th anniversary of his debut.

"The Mick" they keep saying.

Anyway, they also said that the Yankees have the shortest right field wall in the mlb or something...that's what I keep telling people, someone else has the other ones.

Like, other stadiums got the shortest center field or shortest left field...the Yankees chose right field and then the stadium is larger in other areas.

I think that right now would be a good time for an mlb restructuring with the current reduced crowds, them maybe expanding seating to beyond ticket sales, I mean will there ever be a 100,000 seat mlb  stadium...if they did that would be in New York City.

There doesn't have to be that many seats in the expansion but to create a larger stadium with more empty seats to create space in the arena like during reduced capacity seating during covid.

Then maybe they can leave some seats closed for overflow seating or just use maximum capacity sometimes.

That will create a "reduced feel" to the stadium like today, in the future ballparks and open up a larger local market in each local mlb city area by allowing more of outside to come into the stadium while pushing the crowd back by giving it a larger outside area to gather in.

Then this will increase the local markets in the Divisional League and allow for overall mlb expansion by creating more teams with new local markets that will help support the league instead of the weight being on the mlb itself and the league controlling mlb umpires.

The expanded local mlb markets and new teams will help handle the workload of the mlb and their controlling umpires while they run the game for the league on the field.

The issues sports and business are always facing constantly change, and that would be a potential solution to the problems they are having today in the mlb league.

Like, for today's issues.


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