Saturday, May 29, 2021

RE: Anthrax - "State Of Eurphoia" Album Release

That's from the pressures of record companies to meet the video and store expectations in the early days of metal.

The big rush I mean...yeah that's all dead now.

Everything is so huge on the internet to promote you can't go by the calendar anymore for album releases by year the rush is over because of the direct access to fans on the internet on YouTube etc. to keep your name "fresh" they mean is easier now. 

Like you can do more now with less work on the internet.

These days with the internet instead of doing all that rushing you can just release videos and stuff slow to keep the band and store going with the concert dates and stuff, like just releasing a couple clips or something to get the fans attention instead of doing a full record every time.

Try to maybe think of it as releasing five albums over ten years to take the pressure off and then just try and throw a few good songs on each one and spread the material across the five records.

This will take the pressure off when the record company is trying to get the record with a bunch of other songs you're working on in your back pocket in case they ask.

Then just put them out on your own schedule on a longer term ten year project, this will give you some breathing room and space to get the records done, then you might get a few hit singles out of it by taking the time to work on the better songs for the albums coming out later in ten years.

"Be All, End All" is probably the biggest song Anthrax ever had at the time and probably launched the band by itself. 

I think it's an awesome record.


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