Thursday, April 1, 2021

Diary Update April 1st, 2021

It's opening day of the 2021 MLB Season and I'm watching the Yankees vs. The Blue Jays, I started heading out of here where I'm at but it's going to be a little while yet.

I took a trip out to Rainbow Haven Beach this week and it's going to be super awesome out there this summer, they have all these super awesome houses out there in Nagle across the water from Rainbow Haven.

Nagle's too nice of a neighbourhood for me right now, but hanging out at the beach doesn't cost anything.

I'm probably going to be doing a whole bunch of other stuff now since I'm getting out of the City...maybe I'll post some pictures, I'm taking off for the beach for a while starting this summer but I'm still in Halifax.

I'm just going to be down at the beach somewhere, anyway if you're out in the County Halifax is bullshit man all those services are for Downtown Halifax only.

I was out in the County and all they have is they have is the same thing, like plants and farms and stuff and there's nothing going on.

Like if you're down at the beach for the summer at some cottage then you don't need any services, that's where I'm going...I'm just talking the internet with me.

Like it is so boring around here and you can't get anywhere because downtown sucks, so I'm going back to the County but for now I'm still living in Halifax.

I read that the connection between Darkthrone, Inner Thought, Black Mark Records and Mayhem from Nirvana is based on something like this.

On Witch Hunt Records Inner Thought, Placenta and them plagarized each other and copied the Kurt Cobain Suicide photo for there band's cd booklet and then tried to cash in on the suicide of Dead from Mayhem while playing with Darkthrone and them on Witch Hunt.

That's where I play at.

Inner Thought and them started saying they were releasing the album on BMG Records and started putting it out, people told me they were just pretending to be BMG and got sued and all those companies got shut down.

Then only the regular bands continued like Mayhem and them from Norway, Black Mark Records closed and Quarthon died.

That's probably what happened, so the people that got kicked out right those were the ones that robbed my house years ago...people that were with them in their group after they got kicked off that.


Now there's a new Nirvana movie coming out and that's how it connects to the Lords Of Chaos Mayhem movie.


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