Thursday, May 20, 2021

Diary Update May 20, 2021

The strangest thing happened today, I kept going as normal and everyone else stopped to say something.

What I meant was something but people took it the wrong way, but it's not bad.

I mean I don't give a fuck anyway, there's just this issue I have to talk around and can't say I'm not under any contracts or anything so it don't matter...I'm just blogging about what I'm saying.

What was I running around behind everyone's back when I was younger as a transexual pole dancer in New York in grade 7 up here Nova Scotia?

Yeah that's what I mean.

Now I have to talk around it, so if you know about it now the rest of my class can go watch the tapes, like of what I was doing behind their backs from back in school and stuff.

That's where my degrees and money are coming from.

So what is this page now they mean?

God man, that's what I'm saying....

I was a boy doing a prostitute, just for the money and stuff just as bullshit like a joke.

Now that I'm older I'm gonna show everyone the tapes but I have to talk around it because I can't say because it's a secret.

So if you know about it you can watch it, like while I'm doing a Death Metal band like for a publicity stunt to get my money from like when I was doing that as boy for money like as a joke.

Now all my old class mates can go watch it while I play heavy metal to catch up on my material, then it's to promote my store to try and get some sales going.

Then they ask me about taking dancing seriously or not, and I mean...yeah I did 100% but that was over years I'm just joking about they made me take all these classes and stuff like ballet and that's what I did with it.

Like just as a boy doing it at the drama club and stuff for the role, dressing up like a girl and doing ballet and stuff.


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