Saturday, May 22, 2021

NEWS: Lady Gaga Suffered Mental Breakdown After Beeing Raped At 19

Lady Gaga says she suffered from paranoia and mental break after being raped and assaulted. so who all do we have to get rid of around here so we can go outside without being raped by a pyramid scam in the Capitals?

Just some advice, the paranoia is a side effect from the assault from the human bodies defense mechanisms.

Paranoia is fake....that's what you have to understand, that happens to "remove you" from the situation mentally and is a psychical symptom. 

Like any mental illness, it's a psychical illness....caused by a chemical imbalance in the during a trauma to cause paranoia and other symptoms to make you leave the situation.

So that's pretty brutal man, I wouldn't wanna be those people outside on the other side of that case today.

Don't worry about it Lady Gaga, I doubt those people will be in the rest of our shared futures soon as everyone else progresses with their lives as they face their sentence from us in the future.

Remember, since they are all publicly convicted in a pyramid scam doing this and their time has run out.


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