Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Yeah Here's What Happened With My Comlaint Against The Nova Scotia Government

Right someone asked me this about my case with the fake summons I got for a fake rental eviction hearing and all that when I didn't owe any money.

So anyway, I had to complain to St. Francis Xavier University and I wrote them and Community Services together in my complaint to get St.FX to explain to Community Services in Halifax what my degree was.

They said that the Nova Scotia Government has no one working there and that the Legal Aid will not help you if you have an issue with harassment and incorrect medical files for your disability cheque and that my my issue was with the Nova Scotia Government from their contractors that report to the MLA which is to low to file the complaint.

My point was that I am hoping that St.FX will intervene with the issue and help them make new programs for diabled graduates who can't work.

They told me that if you get a degree like mine and they know what it is because I had to tell them and complain to the school about the government here in Halifax that is qualify to make $150,000 a year as a project manager that the province offers no help if you become disabled and turn you away.

In the case I referenced they said that said if the person becomes disabled and then can only work from home with the degree part time they offer no grants or services to help them become employed and when I checked no one worked there.

Then they said if the Community Services had their medical files wrong are were being over charged on their rent, plus during covid, even though they know about the issue they won't help and said it was a provincial government issue, then they said it was beyond the help of the legal aid and offer no support.

Even though they know it is illegal to not fix the file when the complaint is issued and have to report the issue to the government and they still refuse to help.

In the case they offer no grants to degrees like mine for project managers who become disabled and can only work part time from home.

The resolution is that the graduate out of their pocket has to get their own specialist to write the medical report and then force Community Services to take the files and then correct their cheque benefits on their own and then use private lawyers to get their rent amount correct because they know the files are wrong, refuse to fix them and offer no legal aid assistance.

Then this is all illegal...they are refusing to correct the cheque amounts or medical files even with a lawyer present when they know about the issue.

So I turned them in and reported it to the legal aid and I am just waiting for them to get arrested at the local government here in Halifax for blocking the cheque claims for disability by using illegal procedures from the Provincial Government.

At the same time they began harassing me from Nova Scotia Student Loan sending me fake letters from out of Province from Revenue Canada.

When I called the telephone number from Revenue Canada it was a scam and I reported them to Legal Aid in the same complaint and they said they couldn't help and I have to sue them at home with private lawyers to resolve the issue.

The fake Revenue Canada agent was actually Nova Scotia Student Loan they claimed and tried to force me to pay on my loan when I called them back when I'm not working, like they tried to get me to start making payments in a unknown account when I don't have to work, like in a scam.

Like they could have been at home and trying to make me deposit payments into their account fake in a scam when I don't have to pay and steal the money.

Needless to say I will not have to even pay my loan because the Province defaulted in these cases and are going to be sued at home and if they try to collect on me they will get sued at home and they'll owe me money, but that all never went through yet.

Hopefully, St.FX will intervene and start helping to correct the issue to start supporting disabled graduates because the Provincial Government won't help them.

The way they put it to me at Legal Aid is that the Provincial Government staff who put the procedures in place at Community Services and Legal aid are on their way to jail.

So I turned them all in and filed notice with Legal Aid that I am suing them later to correct the issue at the Provincial Government in Halifax and then suing the staff at home who harassed me at their jobs and tried to make me make pay fake student loan payments when I don't have to pay into a potentionally fake bank account while they posed as fake Revenue Canada Agents.

I'm writing this because other people may being going through similar situations and that is what is happening and this may help you with your case.


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