Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Diary Update November 3, 2021

I was recently asked about some stuff I used to do and this is what I'm saying, this is my answer.

I said I used to do all this "Dungeons & Dragons" stuff etc. on here...I left that just before I went away to University in 2001...when I was running a record store at the mall. Everybody shut down and went back to Hollywood and now Youtube says they all live in a camper.

I went off to University for seven years, three being my certifications...THEN I was headed back to do my Master's Degree in Science, didn't need to do all that because of court stuff...then all this court stuff happened to me at the office and then I had to take off after my house got robbed and stuff by the fake cops or something when I was playing in Montreal and Halifax in the Death Metal band.

So then...people don't know where I was at, everyone went back to Hollywood to go work a day job or something so no one was around...I think the last time I saw everyone was at my old record store because it was in the mall.

Then I had to go back to University life to live, so moved back there I did my records to like where I was staying at for school.

Then I did my records and had to take care of all this stuff, then I relocated to Halifax and I'm doing this point is people don't have money and I'm trying to get back down there to continue doing all that stuff with my books and music promotion but I have to pay for it myself so it takes a while, so probably twenty years since all that, seven for school then I've been living in Halifax ever since for most of it since I left the record store and my band and music stuff is just to keep doing the same thing.

Like I had to take this big break in there when the old business shut down and then I had to go away to University and restart plus pay for it all right now I'm just in Halifax.

Hopefully I'll be doing more stuff like before later.


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