Saturday, December 18, 2021

CANADA: Prime Minister Calls On Cabnet Ministers For New Input

Here's a long winded article coming from Canada's Government. 

A long winded yet bleak report.

The bottom line, Justin Trudeau in his speech to Ministers says Canada is full of  "systematic racism through out the government".

Says that the relationship between Canada and various Native groups has fallen apart, with mass graves found everywhere in their school system and they are preaching reconciliation between Ottawa and indigenous groups.

Then he calls on his cabinet ministers for new input to solve these problems while we cope with covid.

Says we need a "more diverse Canada" that is more "inclusive".

This is where I say, no.

A more diverse Canada is the last thing we need, I mean Canada is a top muti cultural Country anyway if that's what they mean.

My view is the are making the Country too "diverse" and including  lower standards to run Canada and a policy of bringing in immigrants to Canada without solving internal problems first.

For people like me...this "takes away" from regular Canada by watering it down with more "diverse" material...then the stuff I used to do becomes more watered down and diverse and I quit because it sucks now.

So no, I don't want more diversity and they mean more activities or something and more "inclusion" what it this forced inclusion or what?

I mean you're not saying to everyone that you want to make Nova Scotia more diverse...I mean to what?

To the point that it's not Nova Scotia anymore? Then they want it more inclusive?

Nobody wants that, I don't know what they mean.

What we actually need is a stronger Canada with less diversity and a reinforcement on core values so that we can build a stronger Canada of the same one we have today.

Not with these bizarre solutions to water the country down to make it more diverse to please smaller groups, this takes away from the larger group.

No one is giving up a strong Canada for a watered down on to please these native groups and immigrants.

This is a pathetic issue anyway, no one in their private time is going to "make their life more diverse" to please native groups and immigrants who don't have the same things, by trying to force mix with them and give up something we have at home to please an outside issue other people don't care about, I'm not doing it...I'm backing a strong Canada of traditional values...not this "watered down Canada" stuff to please immigrants.

I'll be looking forward to reading those papers from the Ministers on their solutions requested by Justin Trudeau.

Edit - Just a quick comment, I mean since the Natives failed the Residential School System from Queen Victoria a hundred years ago, I mean...England knows what they're doing...if the natives failed residential integration then England has to deal with it - not the rest of us in our regular lives that's England's problem.


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