Friday, December 17, 2021

RE: The Extinction Of The Dinosaurs

I've just been thinking about the black hole over Christmas season this year...all chemicals and biological interaction that exist in the planet are created in the black hole.

That's what I'm saying on's just word of mouth research about the new science in the public there's nothing in the text book, just University level discussion.

Every time with the planet when you get into science it's always the's always a sea serpent in your belly.

That's from material from sea animals getting into your body and making you sick like covid.

Like that's grade primary in the future of you can see the new kids school books coming. 

The way the planet mixes the materials that came from the black hole to build biology, like you can the past the planet must have been a lot flatter because there used to be dinosaurs.

The giant dinosaurs used to pat the ground down, so way down in the ground in the planet there must be this hard pressed layer of dirt.

This is also what I mean, in the future the "dinosaur stage" may only be like one "biological band" of the planets behavior... 

For example...during an early stage of development in the planet large dinosaurs exist to help flatten the ground during a more extreme stage of the planet.

Then the animals may become too big for the rest of the species and get pushed away into extinction as species like humans expand, the large dinosaurs are the first to go.

So in the future the planet's age might be dated by "current biological development" stages.

Like we're past the dinosaurs and into the human stage.

Don't worry about that though...after we all die on the planet and the planet itself all fall back to the black hole where we are reunited in the galaxies "chemical pool" at the end the planet's life span.

Meaning, the black hole can grow the dinosaurs back later when a new human like planet forms from the next stage of the black hole in an endless cycle.

Knowing this we can now look for the planets missing animals like the Dalmatian Spotted Daschound or something to go with the Doberman and the Rottwiler, all products of the planets "chemical pool" of it's placenta stage.

Searching in science to find these "color indicators" from the chemicals created by the black hole in the future scientists will be able to grow the missing color patterns into the animals in the development stage in the womb to mirror the placenta stage of the planet to create new animal colors like spotted and striped dogs and cats etc.

Print it on stone tablets and bury them in the desert, it's a fact.


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