Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Great White North Records Old Oblivion Ad

I'm back running my old Great White North Records promotion and updating the material on the Official Great White North Records page:


So I decided to just go forward with that since the old distributor was Sonic Unyon in Canada and Sony RED and them other places and keep going from Montreal at the old one.

I'm doing this as a new thing in addition to the page www.gore-metal.com etc.

This is not in the bio material but in the printed text it says formed by so and so, then it closed in July 2006...that was a scam.

The old founder name left earlier that year and it was being run from Halifax and Montreal after that, I claimed all that in my court case...now I have the official page for Montreal.

So I'm just continuing with that with new bands on it and the old line up is dropped and I own the catalog in court but it is still unresolved.

I'm just picking it up then and going forward with new bands, then the press should say other people ran it for six months and that was me and the other people quit and I kept going now I have restarted it in 2022 and is based in Montreal in the same location (downtown area) and is also the Quebec Death Metal page www.quebecdeathmetal.com .

Other links are www.urbansoundexchange.com and www.aandarecords.com .



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