Monday, June 19, 2023

The Difference Between Real Promotions & Internet Promotions

In real life you promote stuff and sell at your table etc and then everything's just normal.

Now you get these other ones with this big crowd hanging off them and all the bums there and now it just looks it was to lure people.

I mean this is the joke, I don't play there because they suck...

Then people think it's the real promotion when it's like 30 years later, now they have all these scams there and it looks only like it's to lure people in for assault.

Now Rob Zombie goes on their laughing making jokes about being assaulted like the women in these recent cases and making music videos with monsters with semen shooting out of their penises.

You're not allowed having that on there, now all the talk is sarcasm about assault.

What I am watching on there anyway?

Now they all got his big joke on there people who worked around it and your careers are over.

No one cares about men farting who can't get a girlfriend. 

All you got is this stage with some old crowd around it, other people don't need a fake crowd around them to promote and try to meet women.

Then all the women didn't know it was a scam, wait until they find that out.

Maybe you just set all that up because you can't get a date.

Then people like me and you don't "jive" because I don't need that to have money, promote or meet women.

By the way didn't your print contract on your 1% band off the television version run out yet on all acts combined or what?


Edit, this was my problem the whole time...every time they start playing they quit and run some scam before the store can promote it, last time it was Foo Fighters this time Rob Zombie, now it's all replaced by assault jokes in the same act as real assaults.

I really can't wait until you're all finally closed on the print contract you're lying about.

I mean how the television version has the whole act and then they just loan out a piece to you for the small act, 1% of the real content across all acts now is what it looks like.

Fucking carnival acts. 

By the way other people really didn't need you to keep playing.

Edit Edit, Now all I can think about is when "Kevin Smith" said he had sex addiction during that assault thing at Weinstein Company where he went to jail, then it said he had a heart that none of them can get laid and they were just making all that up.

Hahaha, can you imagine? If they were all on there pretending to have girlfriends in a scam and only one or two went to jail, then they lured all these people down there and it was some assault scam, remember how this happened at my house too yet or what when I was assaulted in a home invasion in the same crowd and won the case? (still didn't need you to put my "CD" out got it scam), then none of them got a girlfriend from it but had a heart attack from getting caught in a scam.

That's probably what it is, people pretending to meet girls in a scam on some Clerks print character.  

I doubt you really had a girlfriend during all that now probably most actors and music people, I mean look at how all their jobs ended on recent youtube lists.


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