Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Diary Update, The Big Piss Off

Here  comes the big piss off like the fake double wide sidewalks and free internet from community services they told everyone during covid and never did it.

Diary update, I mean today I was just out for a walk in the heat wave up in the Vast National Park Area in Nova Scotia and I mean, fuck, what can you do with your money anyway?

Go somewhere and live on vacation, that's what I did....then I do this server for digital for web traffic, I mean I got a seven year degree and all that ballet.

My diary point is you make all this stuff, like gore metal bands and you can't put them out because they got tits on them, like years ago right they got nothing.

Like I used to do a second act as a girl doing ballet etc various things for my grandmother years ago besides heavy metal. and try and keep it a secret, and you gotta fucking ruin that on here too.

What's your fucking point anyway.

Now you need to make a whole new act, and buy an adult page just to fucking blog and put your cd on it.

Die then.


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