Saturday, August 27, 2022

Bizzare Twist In Texas Radio Talk Show Host Trial

Now one of the lawyers for the host has pleaded the fifth amendment under court questioning.

The news said that something like lawyers had gained illegal access to the plaintiffs medical records in the trial (the winners) which were sent to the show guy or something.

They mean stolen medical records of the people suing the talk show host....I'm mean he's convicted of two counts of intentionally publishing defamation already, now they mean they think he was using their stolen medical records or something in the defamation.

At the same time the host has now been accused of running a protest to rally people for the Capitol Riot during the event, prosecutors are now saying he organized a rally in Washington D.C. to get people to take part in the capitol riot from his talk show.

I mean Trump said there are pardons for the people who did but that is not true in real life, the President has no access to issuing a pardon to illegal occupants of the Capitol because it could have been a foreign military group.

Again, Trump and the talk show host keep saying they have a problem against the military and Trump has no access to pardon war criminals in an invasion against the US Capitol.

The theme of the talk show was the same, they try to talk around the military and they don't have to respond to his claims. 


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