Thursday, September 29, 2022

RE: Cyclone Fiona Land Erosion

The storm that just hit Atlantic Canada they are saying was the largest storm to ever hit here...

Just let me interject for a moment....people on the news are warning that people at home today are a new generation of adults and young adults and when you say "common sense during the storm" to stay safe some people today might not know what those things are.

I mean, we just lost a large group of people's parents and grandparents passing away and the senior citizens are a new generation now, leaving many young people without the guidance of our past leaders.

Some government recovery projects may be abandoned and the experts aren't the same people anymore plus there is a super slack group there today that didn't go to school or anything.

So just because it's common sense to you, it may not be common sense to everyone is what I found out.

I mean a problem I keep having is I think they said something and when I go it's always different...I think they mean what the older group used to talk about but it isn't....sometimes common sense items they didn't even know about it today.

Another thing...common sense to a scientist is not common sense to a regular citizen today, plus many people have less education than in the past.

So people need to be told how to stay safe during these events because they may not know, even common sense items.

Back to erosion....

This is a record storm not counting the ice age erosion stuff I mean.

What this storm shows is that not only can the land be shaped by slow erosion, it can be shaped quickly by large storms.

They said that the coastline of Prince Edward Island was "reshaped by the storm" and many land formations were erased by "fast erosion" that wiped out old landmarks and created new coastline features.

That is super important to science, coastlines and land shapes can be changed quickly with fast erosion and new land sediment from large storms that make "over night changes" to erosion and land features. 

In the image below you can see how Atlantic Canada became more "tropical looking" after the Cyclone.

You can see how the storm dumped tons of sand on the island probably making more beach areas in the region...with new large sandbar areas and putting more sand on the current beach areas.


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