Sunday, October 23, 2022

Cyclone Update

It's still bad here in Nova Scotia, the last time I checked 300,000 still had no power at all a few days ago.

You can see this morning in the sky the tropical air mixed with the cold air and you can clearly see where the two air currents hit each other, it looks like warm air on one side and cold air on the other side of the sky with ice in the air and the weather is listed as humid.

There was heavy icy fog out this morning and bright and sunny at the same time where the two currents mixed, people living out in illegal tents downtown must have surely froze to death last night, between the sweaty humid days and icy foggy mornings.

This all means wet sweaty clothes when out walking that freeze if you sit out too long, so yeah heavy icy fog this morning, people still riding around on motorcycles in Halifax in that with the bikes engine burning out from riding it in the storm, you can tell by the sound of the bike coming...

Many of you will recognize the sound as a Jiffy Pop stove top pop corn sound when you hear the motorbikes with the burnt out engine....vlah vlah vlah, pop pop pop.

I thought it was a Jiffy Pop coming at me, I spend my money on McDonalds breakfast this need for a Jiffy Pop Motorbike for me.


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