Saturday, July 15, 2023

COMMENTARY: People Squadding In Slums Like Skid Row & Street Loitering Breaking Welfare Cheque Laws

Now you get this issue where people have to look for work to be on basic welfare and then they don't wash...

That's intentionally not looking for work, by smelling bad all the time or something.

Then all they are interested in is welfare paid services that they can resell like illegal street prescription pills.

Or glasses that are sold on the street and replaced with cheap ones bought at the Salvation Army Thrift Store.

Then what's with the soap money?

You can't tell the welfare worker you don't buy soap with the money.

So it's intentionally not looking for work by not washing, then only using services from the welfare office that can be re-sold on the street like prescriptions and eye glasses.

Then they don't want paid medical and hospital coverage because the services can't be re-sold.

So they don't wash and don't go to the doctor or hospital.

Then you see where they live and it's on skid row places and slums and it's begging for change on the street all day...

Then this opens up a whole new book.

This leads to using the soap money to buy alcohol off store hours which means "bootlegging" of illegal alcohol sales off store hours.


Then they don't accept the full cheque benefits, sell the re-sellable items, then use the soap etc. money to do things like bootleg liquor or participate in the network of bootleg liquor sales.

That money....they do things like fence stolen property and bootleg cd's and lp's, according to crime statistics.

So to me, anyone downtown doing that is already breaking the law misusing their welfare cheque to participate in illegal activity or being part of a network of people that supports criminal activity.

Like bootlegging.


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