Thursday, July 13, 2023

RE: Metallica Cover Song List

This is my point about some of these issues in music / business...

Now you get the band "Metallica" who released tons of cover songs like the Misfits.

At the Misfits reunion now their using that sound.

So when you look at this cover songs list this is what I say, the Misfits were from the earlier 1970's era with the Sex Pistols.

A famous story is that Jerry from the Misfits was there when Sid Vicious died, that's punk and K-Tel music in the 1970's and Studio 54.

Then Metallica covered songs from that period but weren't on it.

Years later they did Load and Re-Load etc., and printed tons of merchandise and cd's...then they didn't do anything for the specific original catalog that was with the K-Tel group of albums.

What about this then?

Metallica doing cover songs of bands from the Misfits era does not include new versions of old Metallica songs from the 1980's.

That's one of my points.

Misfits using the sound from a cover song is a bigger record if they re record it.

Metallica doing cover songs doesn't include their classic songs from K-Tel which were never re-recorded by the band as new versions.

Instead they did the Misfits etc.

That's because the old albums are a different production, then Metallica prints merchandise off newer material but the concert set list is K-Tel era songs.


Fans go to see the original songs from the K-Tel period but only get merchandise from newer material.

Then the original songs from Metallica are on the K-Tel group of albums "Kill 'em All" etc., with Misfits.

When Metallica did new versions they used that for the sound on the Misfits re-union for the original production, K-Tel disco / metal albums from the 1970's.

What I mean is Metallica doesn't do new version of their original songs, but the Misfits and Venom Inc. are doing that live...

Then Misfits, the older band, adopted Metallica's sound for two of their songs from their cover versions.

When you go see Metallica though the main draw is the K-Tel songs, not the new ones.

Those go with the Misfits re-union and their sound update, for re-doing their classic sound for the re-union by doing things like using updated gear like Metallica's versions.

So a cover song of "Metallica" in the future might be a bigger hit than that whole band recorded with a different artist.


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