Hippie People Please Leave Me Alone |
This is about why I don't like the Tree Hugging movement.
First, all you tree huggers please stop bothering me about nature and eating meat. Now I realize that some people may not be able to eat meat or honestly don't like it, that's not what I mean.
I mean the ones annoying you all the time about how you like to eat meat. That's the tree hugging movement and it all sucks.
Please keep your tree hugging to yourself and stop trying to connect me to hippie shit because I hate it.
I'm not into hippie shit, I just like Heavy Metal Music so stop trying to categorize me with the tree hugging movement.
I don't like tree hugging I like oil spills and movies about Adolf Hitler and Hardcore Music and I like smashing bottles and stuff.
That has nothing to do with hippies.
Just because I am into music and have long hair does not mean I am a hippie.The stuff I like to do is "regular" stuff not "alternate" stuff like that hippie shit.
Heavy Metal is not hippie, although their may be people who are vegetarians there. I am not a vegetarian ever and I hate the vegetation diet because I am "regular only".
So please stop trying to connect me because I am in music and have long hair to alternate things like "hippie" shit.
Yes, I like Heavy Metal but everything else is "regular" not "alternate" like hippies and vegetarians.
Just because I like Death Metal doesn't mean everything in my life is "alternate".
I am not "alternate" I and I am "regular things only" except I like Death Metal.
Before I didn't care about hippie alternate shit but now I hate it because they all annoy you too much about what they like and don't care about what you like.
I would like to differentiate myself from this tree hugging hippie movement because I am not one of them.
All those hippie people go around saying I'm "alternate" like some flower child and I'm not. Please, I'm not interested in your commune or having my money there.
Plus my money if I had a lot is not being put into tree hugging and environmentalism or seed hugging and flower potting.
My money is going into things like documentaries about Adolf Hitler and Oil Rigs. Then I will put tons of money into Oil Rigs and if they crash, then it can land on the hippies to complain about.
My dream is that in real life if one of my oil rigs crashed that all the hippies would hate me for ruining the environment, then they would stop saying I'm one of them.
I am not a hippie. I am just into Death Metal.
Everything else is regular not "alternate". I don't care about your flowers or trees and shit and I think PETA sucks ass, plus Greenpeace is stupid.
I think that developing minds of the youth should stay away from these hippie people and go see a cow get slaughtered when they are kids so they can have a "regular" experience.
I Like Regular Girl Shit Not Stupid Hippie Girl Shit |
Then they will be normal and stop going around saying all this tree hugging shit.
Now some people can't eat meat for real probably but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about tree hugging people.
To get the point across, I don't like hippie girls because they are into shit I don't care about and I hate their act and how they dress. This hippie girl look is not attractive to me, it looks stupid and cheap.
I like girls like Valley Girls and Fashion Girls who are regular and wear clothes that are in style and paint their nails and get their hair done and shit and don't sit around in the bushes all day hugging seeds and shit.
All that hippie stuff sucks. I like girls that get their hair done and shit and look after themselves.
So stop associating my band and shit with hippie shit because I hate it and I am not part of it. I'm Hardcore Music not hippie shit and I hate hugging seeds and I love to eat meat and visit the cow slaughterhouse.
Plus I like Fashion Type girls not "alternate" girls like hippie girls. Not that you have to be a fashion model, I just like girls who are into that stuff because it's regular and not "alternate" like some flower child.
These alternate people say I am hippie shit and I am not and I hate that stuff because it all sucks so don't associate me with vegetarians or tree hugging shit.
I like oil spills and documentaries about Hitler and Hardcore Music not tree planting and animal shit and granola stuff.
I am not "alternate" experiences like hippie communes. I am regular only like meat and I like normal girls not alternate hippie ones.
These are the main points about why I Hate Tree Hugging Hippie Shit:
A Vegetarian can never get a real spouse, a vegetarian has to be with another vegetarian.
This is why, if you eat meat and marry a vegetarian then you can never for the rest of your life have a traditional Christmas Dinner with your wife.
Vegetarians never eat a real Christmas Dinner, they don't like Turkey.
If you marry a vegetarian then you will never get to have a real Christmas Dinner with your spouse and you will have to have an "alternate" Christmas experience.
When I have my Christmas Dinner I want to be with someone who eats the same thing as me which is a regular Christmas Dinner, then me and my spouse or girlfriend if I was married would have a traditional Christmas Dinner together because we both like turkey.
That's because I would not marry a vegetarian because you can never have a real Christmas with them because they don't like Christmas Dinner and want an "alternate" dinner every time.
So being vegetarian limits your choices for spouses because people want to have a regular Christmas Dinner not an alternate one so regular people don't marry vegetarians.
Vegetarians should marry each other if they only like alternate Christmas.
If you like Turkey and Christmas no one who marries a vegetarian would ever get to have a regular Christmas Dinner for the rest of their life.
That fucking sucks.
Not ever having a regular Christmas dinner with your spouse because they are vegetarian is fucking terrible. No regular person would ever want that because you can never have a regular holiday dinner or classic romantic dinner with your spouse because they only like "alternate".
So if you are vegetarian you have to pick an "alternate" spouse like another vegetarian or someone who is not into regular.
That is the biggest issue about having a spouse that is vegetarian and the number one thing I don't like, you can never have a regular Christmas Dinner with your wife ever or ever have a regular Romantic Dinner with them because they hate meat.
I like girls who eat ham and shit and want to have a pork chop with me, not someone who "doesn't like barbecue".
Why would you marry someone who you can't have a barbecue with. That is stupid and I hate all that and too "alternate" for someone regular like me.
Plus tree huggers try and boss you around all the time.
They are always saying how their food is better than yours because it's "nice to nature" and they keep saying to you that your food is stupid and that you should stop eating meat and do what they want.
Tree Huggers are the most hateful group of people I have ever met in my life.
All they keep saying to you is that they want "alternate situations" ever day and that they will never have a traditional Christmas Dinner with you because they don't eat meat.
Then you have to give up things from a regular marriage and never get to do them.
Then a Tree Hugger will never buckle on being a vegetarian ever but they expect you to give them their way all them time to please what they want.
For example, they keep saying to you constantly that their food is better than yours and that you should give up meat.
Then they think everything they do is better than you because they don't eat meat, then they never shut up about it.
Then they don't care that you like meat and they want you to give it up for them and be "alternate" but they will never give up being a vegetarian ever but they want you to do what they want and give up meat.
So they try bossing you around all the time by trying to make you eat what they want, but will never change and they think everything they do is better.
That's why I don't get along with the tree hugger movement.
You always have to "please" them by doing nature shit and not eating meat, but they will never do what you want because they think their hippie shit is more important.
I find that behavior super ignorant and can't be around it.
So don't say I am hippie because I hate all that shit and eat meat.
Not having a regular spouse sucks if you eat meat because you can never have a regular meal with your spouse. Fuck that.
If I was married my wife would have to eat meat and be regular so I can have a traditional Christmas Dinner with her because the alternate Christmas sucks ass.
Then I hate them trying to force that organic food on you incessantly because they try and boss you around with it and make you do that if you talk to them.
I hate organic food, I only like regular FDA Regulated Food like everyone else eats. So please fuckoff with your organic shit and hippie tree hugging shit because I hate it and I am not "alternate".
That's why I find tree huggers hateful, because they won't have a regular Christmas dinner with you and then they try and make you stop eating meat and do what they want, then they try and make you eat organic food all the time and never shut up about it.
That's why I don't get a long with them and only like regular things and not alternate shit.
Finally, I hate that they protest McDonalds about their treatment of animals because they protest at the wrong building.
McDonalds food is regulated by the Government not McDonalds.
So when they say McDonalds is bad for the environment what they actually mean is that they don't agree with Government Regulations for Farming.
Then the food there is regulated by the Government but they blame McDonalds for hurting the environment when it is not run by them.
McDonalds runs their farms according to what the Government Food Regulations are, and have to conform to the Food Inspector for Farming.
So don't believe hippies when they say McDonalds is bad because they don't know what they are actually talking about.
What they are actually complaining about is that they don't agree with Government Regulations for Farming because that's who actually controls the food at the restaurant not McDonalds.
It's not up to McDonalds to treat their animals a certain why it's up to Federal Farming Regulators and tree huggers don't know what they are talking about.
Tree Huggers are actually protesting Government Food Regulations if they don't like how farms run not McDonalds.
Hippies should be at the Government Offices Protesting not at the MacDonalds restaurant because the Federal Regulators tell them how to do that.
McDonalds has nothing to do with how animals are treated, that's run by the Government so please move your protest away from Companies like McDonalds and over to the Food Regulators Office because that is where you should actually be at.
That is why I don't like hippie tree hugging shit so please don't associate me with that because you are ignorant and alternate and all your material sucks.
I am regular so please stop annoying me with your seeds and shit because I don't like it at all that stuff sucks anyway.