Wednesday, August 10, 2022

NEWS: Texas Radio Show Host Trial cont.

I look at this case and what I see is a local Austin Radio Station that has expanded into internet broadcast called "GCN".

The station "internet references" only include on the pages things from their local area that is cited on wikipedia creative commons webpage and is a small promotion.

The show since the data breach and lag in court proceedings like my case in Canada have brought this one to the front of the news in Canada from Austin.

This is because this is a "defense case" for the radio station.

I see the whole point to the case is they reference this big claims in the world news then they try to attach themselves to the issue in their local area, then they become these "big talkers" around town in Austin.

Then when they went down to the courts they never had any of the incidents the show was talking about locally in Austin and they got charged for lying and lost the case.

Then when they got caught they "confronted the government" in court to try and make them reveal secret information, like from the Army during a road side blood test and they threw him out.

Then the backing of the show is a supposed "law center" that helps people with these types of bizarre cases.

What I mean by that is with show content from his show.

Then the judge has to keep telling him those events never happened.

Then they keep having all these "accidental text and messages" to the other people on the defense team.


Cut right there.....then that's the material he's selling live on his show covering his own case...then trying to bring it up in court and submit his show as evidence saying he beat the government on his accusations on some charge.

Then the Judge has to keep throwing it out because it's not part of the case.

The point....he's trying to attach his self to the issue to may his name from local radio connected to a world event and make himself famous.

Then you look up his wiki page and then the school shooting wiki page and the school page doesn't say his name back.

That's where he wants it at...his name attached to the issue.

So he defamed the victims families and then tried to use show content he does live as evidence in the trial apparently about the "topic" he covers which was not part of the case.

Then he tried to beat the government on an outside claim that he could do then and make them admit wrong doing and then beat them...then attaching his name to the world event case the school shooting.

That was made up material from the show.

The judge told him that wasn't true that they don't have those issues locally in Austin and the material was either made up or far away world events.

So they did not allow the information to be admitted and he lost the defamation case.

Like he tried to order the government around saying he beat them in this court case....then he called the victims parents out on the show and got sued and tried to call off the government.

The judge said that the information was made up on the show like above and it was thrown out. 

The radio station defendant thought he could beat the government in the defamation case to attaching himself to the school shooting issue to make money, also war profiteering during the court data breach outage rushing a case in on defense,  and lost when the judge told him they didn't have those issues where he lived in Austin.

Then...he lost anyway, and now they giving the victims settlements from him for trying to use them to profiteer of the court outage during the school shooting.

Probably by trying to force through the issue during the outage because they thought the court would believe the show as evidence that he made up covering himself and it was thrown out.

My verdict: Illegal profittering off a school shooting, while submitting fake eveidence to the court for their defense.


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