Sunday, September 11, 2022

RE: Dungeons & Dragons Reviews

I mean, if you don't like the game, people reviewing it, why do you try and make your own and promote that?

I'm saying people doing these reviews say the game always out of date is that? Everyone runs on the internet saying everything sucks.

Then you watch the point of the tape and they can't even play Dungeons & Dragons, the ability score review in the last video got the point of it totally wrong and saying people like Dungeons & Dragons 5E because you can hack it which is not true, it's just people playing it at home.

Then they mean ability scores aren't attached to anything in the game...yes they are, they are one of the main points of the game.

They said they took the ability score of race bonus and put it on character background.

In that video, they don't even understand the books saying the new Dungeons & Dragons is not a play test, which is is.

Then they said, the ability score bonus + 2, and +1 bonuses for background....they mean before you made up your own background and then you get a bonus not connect to character race.

Then they say in the video they changed that rule and now you have to pick a background and that the game sucks.


You don't know how to play Dungeons & Dragons.

The pick a character background comes from the harder rules book "Unearthed Arcana".

Then you get new bonuses for choosing the character backgrounds from the new books for harder rules play.

The guy in the last video means on easy only....

Then he means One D&D sucks because before you made up your own bonus and background and now you don't.

In reality, the new one where you don't in the harder rules for "Unearthed Arcana" and you have to specify a background from the book to get your bonuses and play at higher levels in the game.

That's what I mean, people doing the reviews can't play Dungeons & Dragons.


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