Friday, September 16, 2022

RE: New Car Digital Players - NOT STREAMING Service I mean

This is what's up with the car stereo's coming out people say the music is going to be locked on the stereo from the car company like General Motors Radio or something.

Then they mean "digital" is not "streaming".

"Streaming" is a low quality service that's just Napster or something with a payment screen....I heard that's not going in the new cars.

Instead the car companies have made their own audio decoder codec that is built into the car and plays official sound only on a private service just to the car.

Like it's on it's High Definition Streaming Program locked in the car meaning you can't rip the sound from the car because there is no "streaming interface" or file access.

For example General Motors has it's own private high def audio sound files for official play only private to the car, then you can only hear the official sound on the official car stereo.

Then if you break the speakers you have to buy new ones from General Motors because the cars are on Digital.

That means it's a digital stereo player and all parts on the encrypted circuit board and digital parts only with the locked sound file encoder so the car only plays high def official files.

Don't car about the rest of the songs if they play or not....

The point is it has on it everything but unofficial sound etc, and you can't rip the stream.



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