Friday, October 14, 2022

CANADA: Toronto / Ottawa Decline, Cities Fall Into Disrepair

Here is the news from Ottawa Upper Canada....

Two big stories are the inquiry into the Truck Convoy and the second is the two cities are "dilapidated beyond repair".

Like it has been obvious anyway, the cities are overcrowded with slums and hobos who don't help themselves and are the neighborhoods have all become dilapidated beyond repair.

Meaning you're all living in  run down houses and apartments now because the place fell down and there were no upgrades since they built that housing and city areas all suck now.

Look for the big forty year replacement job before it's all new city blocks and housing, the second is the Truck Convoy Inquiry....the people are saying this was some "awful incident" that happened in Ottawa during this disrepair stage.

The police are saying that it could have been handled without the emergencies act, now that's what they are talking about that it was some awful tragedy that happened, the convoy came from Texas and crashed the US / CANADA border and held it open while trucks air raided citizens apartments in Ottawa for days with horns during a huge blizzard and residents couldn't leave their homes or sleep because of the noise.


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