Saturday, October 15, 2022

RE: Putin War With NATO

Don't be concerned with any of this if you're a regular citizen like myself, it's other people that go down to these "situations" and cause their own problems getting directly involved with that stuff.

Just remember, even a Russia war with NATO over South Ukraine run from Moscow can take place in certain scenarios like World War One and World War Two according to new research.

Some "breakaway" NATO forces similar to the Bolshevik's in Russia in the early 1900's according to new research may fight Russia on their own stealing NATO equipment and trying to seize their own parts of Ukraine or Russia as new breakaway factions.

These breakaway NATO factions are illegal back here in places like Canada, countries like The United States will be called in to clean up the mess and support Russia against these illegal NATO forces.

Another example could be the instability could also be coming from inside these "yet to be discovered" NATO factions trying to seize their own power in the Black Sea region, stealing equipment and siding with local revolutionary forces, trying to become their own force against Russia in the region.


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