Saturday, October 15, 2022

Texas Radio Host Trial: $1 Billion Dollars Awarded In Damages

In the clip in the last post Texas radio talk show host "Alex Jones" has been bankrupted according to my math and has been ordered to pay $1 billion dollars in damages.

That's for trying to force the families of the victims of a school shooting to say it never happened from his radio show so he could use the story to beat the government in Texas in some apparent scam or something to set a fake court precedent to attach himself to an event to make himself famous.

To me it looks like he tried to beat the courts to create a scam loop hole by trying to outsmart them, then people would say he beat the government over the school shooting issue, then they would say he was rich selling this loop hole or something and then he tried to get some advertising job for a yogurt business off the story they are saying in the case.


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