Friday, November 25, 2022

Career Update

This is happy week, my career in business etc. has moved ahead a lot but I'm not done yet.

I'm trying to "flash a secret code" on here to people who I used to work with at my families old "memphis production'.

Anyway they all retired and I went away to school, now I got that thing people were looking for when I restarted, so there was people supposed to be working around my pages and stuff later when I got to a certain point in my setup, so I got that thing to continue forward like before I left when I helped setup your old the new one is coming now, so my regular store launch is coming up fast.

So I'm done and it's a big piece of that, the example I can give to let people know what's up is I got that thing done to continue your video forward, for the cost saving and all that, but it takes time to load the this, dress patterns and stuff my family used to design for clothes and stuff is all coming back on "generic print" etc. now I got all the old clothes patterns to make new ones for the store.

This used to be someone elses, now it's back to I used to tell them on the iso department what the buckles and stitches etc. on the clothes look like so the seamstress could do the designs and they used them on sets and sold them etc.

Anyway I got all that stuff you wanted, now I'm going to have seamstresses from New York chasing me around, like looking for clothes design patterns from my families old business etc., now I got them back for free and a bunch of people wanted to make new ones off the old label for example as new lines that the business used to own that are gone now.

My job was to tell them how to put them together, so in this example I got a the dress and clothes patterns to sell now back from all that to sell on my store etc., but other people had to do that, so when I get back to that with them I got all that category finished and it just needs to be loaded to sell, that's what takes the time.

So when you get here I got all that done and now it's going to be selling, but it takes a while to load to shopping carts and then I'm finished...that's where I'm at, like I got ten thousand video games or something for example and I just got to load them online to start selling, that's what the rest of the time is, but if you're back working with me on the old one that I made before I went away to University I can show you where all the money's at etc. for your part right now, that's what other people are looking for.

That's all done now, but it has to be loaded into the store, so  the full plan is done and I've continued ahead..., now I got all this stuff to load on the internet to sell, music and videos and clothes and imagine everything is done and they just have to build the store and load the products to sell, so that will take a while to finish but the stuff's probably already sold.

So that's pretty exciting, so my music pages are expanding now and then my regular store is coming fast but it won't be loaded to make money for a while yet, but if you worked with me before I got that all done to continue now.

Too exciting, career advancement! 

Like I got some career bonus or something just now, I really can't say the whole story on the internet because a whole bunch of girls from Los Angeles in porn are going to show up looking for all that.

So it's not making money yet...but you can see the whole thing finished if you work there like before.


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