Tuesday, November 22, 2022

RE: Clerks 3

They said Kevin Smith lost weight, got addicted to sex and had a heart attack, just terrible,...like I've been blogging about.

This is why there is a rift in business between writers / producers etc., Clerks 3 already failed....regarding character development I went away to school and work on character development that is the bigger draw in books movies...better characters mean more money.

Now on Clerks, all the characters have to have cancer now or something because the director had a heart attack, the actual show is Randall character had a heart attack on Clerks, that's what I mean.

No one wants to watch about those topics of people getting ill and dying, they want to see them be successful etc., Randall should be making something of himself now at that age as the movies progress...not falling behind and getting ill.

Nobody wants to watch these negative theme movies.

Edit, this is what I've been blogging about on this blog for the whole time it's been on the internet, I mean I work in technology so I'm always on the blogosphere.

Back in the 1990's the old place I was at closed and I went to work at a record store and then to University, I get that done and now no one works there.

Then like I've been saying we had this big fight and I won this court case...it's about this same topic.

Not the movie Clerks but the content disagreement with people I knew.

I went away to University to get a job promotion on SAP and they didn't have the jobs or money, now I have that on Digital, for shopping carts and music pages like www.pop-rock.net

Now I'm all like the old promotion I was at closed years ago and now I have this big new office job and no one's working.

Back when I had this big fight and court case that's why I threw people out....they're all like..."You can't do nothing, no one can get a job..."

Talking all day like that when I'm successful and those people had no careers, now I have to set all that up from scratch on new Digital services from like the old days and no one works anymore.

That's the dispute....you wait for the movie and the main character had a heart attack Clerks 3.

That's why I left all that, you can't do nothing etc. the main characters having a heart attack.

Like in the house and stuff on movies at the same time, when I had to leave to go away to work.

The movie should be about something happy to look forward to as you get older, not these topics.

Taking this movie in a more positive direction would have made way more money...it's just the same old argument from back where I live, people who never went to school and that trying to tell you what the world is and stuff.

Fuck I hate that garbage man, get a positive message.


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