Sunday, November 20, 2022

RE: Bill Gates vs. Nerds

I mean I'm just reading material and mostly watching Youtube videos, this is content I'm picking up on.

Like with the Action Park topic and old trade shows and stuff they had at those parks and Reading Rainbow, I mean tons of people probably forgot they were even at that stuff today.

With the science class and stuff when computer code came out, like with the Kodak Polaroid and high tech computers came out at the same time...then the digital camera still had to wait twenty years to start to come out from the inception of computer code.

Back then they used to have trade shows and stuff at these theme parks and all the kids used to go visit and try to get jobs in the industries at the trade show.

The story is something like this ever since the 1970's all you ever hear is the jocks contempt for nerds, I'm telling you Bill Gates had a big incident of that in the 1970's.

Everyone's there working on the invention of computer code at the trade show and they get this genius to come in to the trade show that never heard of the computer code before.

So apparently it's Bill Gates back then, and never heard of the code or something an he's this big genius and he looks at it goes..."Yeah, I know what this is." and just writes his name on it and starts selling it at this company, then he goes to his friends "Here guys, I'll write your name on the company."....ever since jocks hate nerds. 

Now today in the grand kids generation those initial retirement investments for today's group are starting to come around like I've been saying.

Like your husband might get some letter in the mail forgetting about the event..."Honey I got this letter from the patent office, did go there when you were a kid at school filing patents."

Then forgot, replies "What did I make at the patent office when I wasa  kid?".....that's from school trips and stuff like 40 years ago, now returns are coming back from those school programs when were small for my groups retirement.

Like you might get a cheque from Bill Gates you forgot about if you helped him out with those events and stuff in the 1970's in the near future.


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