Sunday, July 9, 2023

Diary Update, RE: Entertainment Promotions Late 1990's

I'm getting it...

Apparently there's still no content on the internet, working in a record store back in the 1990's...that was the Kiss reunion in 1995.

Then they had the movie Detroit Rock City and they promoted that at all the record stores, then there was this big party going on.

That's when Black Metal like Mayhem was going in the metal section at CD Plus and on the first web stores, then we were all going around partying and playing in bands and going to concerts.

The band The Donnas did metal cover songs, then that was on Detroit Rock City, I mean about the party going on in the crowd at the movie concert etc. outside at the mall etc.

Then Mayhem was going in the metal section at the mainstream mall record store back then in it's years later and it's all digital.

That's the context of those older music videos and movies etc from then around heavy metal.


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