Wednesday, July 17, 2024

ECONOMY: Collection Agencies & Debt Increases Not Related


If you get a notice of an adjusted back debt for example and then use a lawyer to represent the claim THEY may say you are legally obligated to pay the debt, like some mistake for a reasonable amount  you may have to pay back.

Now the "Collection Agency" they have NOTHING to do with an increase to that debt.

I mean if a debt lands at a collection agency in your name, then your lawyer says you have to pay because of a file mistake, then you cover the amount and pay cash.


That debt still increases, collecting at the incorrect file at the collection agency during court resolution.

Probably in your absence.

So I mean if you get some collection agency asking you about the same debt during the outside resolution ANY BALANCE increase on the account has NOTHING to do with the collection agency.

Like the debt keeps building during the file outage, the Collection Agency can't ask you about the increasing debt on the account.

I mean during the processing of your cash retainer on the account while your lawyer clears the debt.

After that they will tell you the actual amount from your lawyer and if there is a debt or not on the account.


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