Wednesday, July 17, 2024

INTERNET: Web Host Companies Hold Low Spam Accountability

Running a server on the internet is pretty cheap but file maintenance is expensive.
New platforms on open source Word Press Software allow mass spamming with little web security from the host company.

I mean scams or not, web packages on the internet have limits.

Running a Word Press page, they say is 1/3 of the internet, is not isp interaction.

I mean then the credit card processing problems are also third party.

The limits I mean are the financial ability to pay your account is always open.

Even with credit card processing issues.

So spam has to be dealt with by the user of the page, like on word press without the host company having interaction.

My issue arises when spammers post so much spam and email to the server that they try and use the occupied file space on the comments sections for outside means...running scams in the comments or whatever.

Then the sever has to delete all that, which accounts for web host package file space.

More costs I mean get added to the server maintenance for spam removal on the server to free up file space on the web package.

File space gets taken up by spam.

This has to be manually removed, like the web host shares the file space with the spammer on the open internet.

Then spammers run scams off it.

Your web host has no interaction with that, then you have to do your own file maintenance.

To free up file space to expand the page.

What I mean about these "third party companies" is they don't have the time they claim on youtube ads to remove all that spam for file NOT accounted for in their software packages.

Like these businesses, I mean the file maintenance on the spam on a real server would be most of the work there, as they need to free up file space continuously to expand the page and protect it from spammers.


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