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Carpet Cleaning Uniforms Are Not Metal |
In the world of music one thing that is not metal is wearing a carpet cleaning uniform. I mean, nothing against carpet cleaners it's just not metal to dress like one everyday in your regular life. So if your regular life means you wear a carpet cleaning uniform around then fuck off.
Here is a metaphorical example of my experiences with people like this. Yes, they are real believe it or not.
So, the carpet cleaning guy goes and says that you have to be friends with him and not me because he's super important and friends with all these people.
Then he goes around "making a name" for himself off my record. So he think's he right big and when my second album which was a demo came out somehow he starts annoying me for money only three days after it was pressed.
Then he's starts going on about how important he is and how I won't do anything for him because I have a new record out.
Then I was planning to move away to the City and pursue music full time and do books or art and stuff and he goes "I don't like that because I wanna stay home" then I said "well you have nothing to do with any of that anyway so fuck off" then he goes around crying to everyone begging everyone to be his friend and saying no one like me anymore because I don't like the carpet cleaning guy.
Then I moved away to pursue music and books and stuff and this guy used to be around music and stuff and was kicked out of my stuff when I moved and then he starts flaming me on the internet because he was trying to sponge off my music and stuff and started begging me for money.
So I did these records and shit and had different people around my music years ago and they all got kicked out when I moved.
Then when I moved away they all flamed me on the internet because I went to do it without them. So that guy didn't want to do anything in music or anything else then he went around flaming me crying for everyone to be his friend because I didn't like him.
Then he got mad because I was moving to the City to music and stuff full time and he didn't want to and he started crying to everyone because I was leaving and he had to quit music and stuff because I wasn't going to be around anymore.
Then the guys wears a Carpet Cleaning Uniform around for clothes everyday and he is a fucking loser.
So he goes and says: "Jason is moving away to the City to pursue music full time and he is going by himself and everyone is going to hate him now because he doesn't like me and I'm not around music anymore. Let's all flame him on the internet so he quits and stays home because I don't want to do that. Then he'll still live in his home town and then I'll be around music. So if he tries to move away he'll lose all his friend's because I don't like him because he kicked me out of music and I'm more important than him and everyone like's me more and I wear a carpet cleaning uniform for regular clothes everyday."
Then he goes:
He has this super important life to everyone and no one is allowed to ever say anything about him because he's right important or something.
Then he dresses like a carpet cleaner and doesn't want anyone to move or do anything if he's involved.
So he goes and says: "Jason is moving away to the City to pursue music full time and he is going by himself and everyone is going to hate him now because he doesn't like me and I'm not around music anymore. Let's all flame him on the internet so he quits and stays home because I don't want to do that. Then he'll still live in his home town and then I'll be around music. So if he tries to move away he'll lose all his friend's because I don't like him because he kicked me out of music and I'm more important than him and everyone like's me more and I wear a carpet cleaning uniform for regular clothes everyday."
Then he goes:
He has this super important life to everyone and no one is allowed to ever say anything about him because he's right important or something.
Then he dresses like a carpet cleaner and doesn't want anyone to move or do anything if he's involved.
So I'm doing this big death metal band thing and I'm taking off to the City and no one else I knew wanted to participate because they all wanted to stay home and not do anything and dress right stupid.
Everyone else wants to take off and play in a band or be an artist and live in the City but not these people....then they go.....Jason will probably not move away to do music because everyone else wants to stay home.
Then I told them to suck it and moved away to do death metal records.
So for me I like living in the City and playing in a Death Metal band and I want to live beside Starbucks and it's near my apartment and I can go there everyday.
Then the other people all thought I would choose want the carper cleaning guy wanted and stay home and not live beside Starbucks because they are handicapped or something.
Why would I not want to live beside Starbucks and play Death Metal in a huge City where it's right exciting and you can go to Starbucks every day.
Then no one else wanted to do that because "They want to stay home".....well everyone else is having a good time living in the City where it's right exciting and there's a Starbucks everywhere.
These other losers thought that:
"I was gonna quit and stay home because the Carpet Cleaning Guy didn't want to move away to be in music and that I was gonna stay home so he could be around it."
Yeah right!
Why the fuck would I wanna stop my life and not live in the City where it's right exciting and write books and music so someone else could benefit because they wanted to stay home.
Right so I'm supposed to stop my life so that people who wanted to stay home could get their way and be around music and stay home and not have to move or do anything to get it.
So I would have to give up what I wanted to do so some prick could get his way and have the music shit I was working on while not having to change his life to have it because he thinks he's right special
Then when they talk it's like their trying to sell you carpet cleaning.
They go:
"Yeah Jason you should not move away to the City because then we can't be around you're music thing so you should stay home so we can use it."
Then they don't want to dress metal to be around death metal band they want to dress like a carpet cleaner everyday and stay home.
Well everyone else who likes music it out having fun and living in the City and dressing metal and you people don't because you said you didn't want to because your life is so sacred that you can't leave it to be around music and you want to dress stupid.
Then they all wanted to stay home and not be metal and have the music shit there anyway and not do anything to get it.
Then when I moved away they all flamed me on the internet because I went to pursue music and books and stuff and they stayed home.
Then they tried to ruin my band and shit on the internet because I wouldn't stay home and give it to them.
Here is the deal:
The guy goes and wants to be in my music stuff and dress like a carpet cleaner everyday in regular life.
Then the doesn;t want to move to pursue music.
Then he tries to stop me when I did by flaming me on the internet and tried to make me quit.
So if you have this guy around like that he want's you to have a real death metal band and then you have to "have it at his house so he can use it".
Then you're not allowed to do anything else if you do have it for him at his house.
Yeah Right.
Why the fuck would I not move to the City to do music and books so some Carpet Cleaner Guy could have it at his house and be around it.
So he says that "His life is more important than mine" and he wanted me to quit doing music for real so I would stay home so he could have it at his house.
So I was moving away to do what I wanted and live in the big City by Starbucks and shit and this other guy goes around crying to everyone when I was leaving and tells everyone that his life is more important than mine and that I should stay home so he could be in it.
Then he tells everyone that "I should be doing music for him so he can be around it" that's because they all flames me and said that his like was more important than mine and that I should stay home and not move to the City so that he can still be around my music stuff because he didn't want to move.
Then he has this sacred life to everyone and you're not allowed making fun of him and he says that everyone has to be friends with him.
The he dresses right stupid and he wants you to have you music shit at his house so he can do it without doing anything or moving away.
So if you're friends with him you have to have all your stuff at his house so he can use it.
Then if you move away to do music on your own he says his life is sacred and his is more important that yours and he flames you on the internet and goes around crying to everyone trying to steal all your friends because you moved away and took your stuff with you and now he can't have it.
Then he says he is more important to everyone than me and everyone has to take his side and be friends with him because his life is so sacred.
And you have to have your music at his house so he can stay home and use it because he's more important to everyone.
Then Jason can't live in the City by Starbucks because the other guy is more important and has to stay home so the other guy can use his music stuff.
The he goes around saying everyone's friends like him more and they hate Jason because he won't keep his music stuff at the Carper Cleaner's Guys house so he can use it.
That's because he's more important than everyone and Jason's music stuff should be for him to use at his house and he doesn't want to move because everyone like him the most and they don't like Jason because he wanted to like by Starbucks and everyone else wanted to stay home.
Then the Carpet Cleaner Guy when he meets you he starts copying you and then he wants to meet all your friends.
The when he meets all your friends he starts copying you and tries to steal them.
Then he tells everyone he's more important than you and starts making fun of you behind you back to your own friends.
Then when you move away and he gets kicked out of your music stuff he gets mad and starts crying like a baby and he starts copying you and making fun of you to everyone and tries to steal all your friends because you won't have your music thing at his house and he didn't want to move.
That's because he the most super special friend to everyone he knows and you can't say anything bad about him.
Then if you own a big music thing everyone says you're not allowed to move away to the City to pursue it because he needs it at his house to be in music and won't leave.
Then if you move away anyway he cries to everyone he meets saying you're a prick because you wouldn't live in a small town so he could be in music.
That's because they all said that "Jason's music thing was for other people who were more important than him and they needed it at their house."
Then when Jason moved away by himself to do music they all flamed him on the internet and tried to make him quit because some Carpet Cleaner Guy was more important to them than Jason was and they all wanted Jason to stay home from the City so the other guy could have Jason's music business thing at his house so he could be in it and still stay home.
Yeah right, so I have to give up my life in the City so some other people I knew could have it at their house in a small town because they didn't want to move.
Now everyone loves them other guys and hate's me because I wanted to live by Starbucks and do music full time.
You people must be totally retarded to be out out in real life living that.
No one's stuff they do is for you at your house to use and no one give up their life somewhere so you can have it and be in music.
You are total retards.
Crying to everyone saying you're more important than me to everyone's friends because I want to live in the City and not have it at your house so you can use it and be in music because you all said you lives were more important than mine and every is your guys friends because your super special but you don't want to move but you want to have it anyway and everyone you know has to always please you because you are super important.
I don't think so.
Everyone know's your all super retarded and no one quits music and thier life in the City so you can stay home and have it at your house and so you can be in it.
Suck it losers.
Everyone else wants to take off and play in a band or be an artist and live in the City but not these people....then they go.....Jason will probably not move away to do music because everyone else wants to stay home.
Then I told them to suck it and moved away to do death metal records.
So for me I like living in the City and playing in a Death Metal band and I want to live beside Starbucks and it's near my apartment and I can go there everyday.
Then the other people all thought I would choose want the carper cleaning guy wanted and stay home and not live beside Starbucks because they are handicapped or something.
Why would I not want to live beside Starbucks and play Death Metal in a huge City where it's right exciting and you can go to Starbucks every day.
Then no one else wanted to do that because "They want to stay home".....well everyone else is having a good time living in the City where it's right exciting and there's a Starbucks everywhere.
These other losers thought that:
"I was gonna quit and stay home because the Carpet Cleaning Guy didn't want to move away to be in music and that I was gonna stay home so he could be around it."
Yeah right!
Why the fuck would I wanna stop my life and not live in the City where it's right exciting and write books and music so someone else could benefit because they wanted to stay home.
Right so I'm supposed to stop my life so that people who wanted to stay home could get their way and be around music and stay home and not have to move or do anything to get it.
So I would have to give up what I wanted to do so some prick could get his way and have the music shit I was working on while not having to change his life to have it because he thinks he's right special
Then when they talk it's like their trying to sell you carpet cleaning.
They go:
"Yeah Jason you should not move away to the City because then we can't be around you're music thing so you should stay home so we can use it."
Then they don't want to dress metal to be around death metal band they want to dress like a carpet cleaner everyday and stay home.
Well everyone else who likes music it out having fun and living in the City and dressing metal and you people don't because you said you didn't want to because your life is so sacred that you can't leave it to be around music and you want to dress stupid.
Then they all wanted to stay home and not be metal and have the music shit there anyway and not do anything to get it.
Then when I moved away they all flamed me on the internet because I went to pursue music and books and stuff and they stayed home.
Then they tried to ruin my band and shit on the internet because I wouldn't stay home and give it to them.
Here is the deal:
The guy goes and wants to be in my music stuff and dress like a carpet cleaner everyday in regular life.
Then the doesn;t want to move to pursue music.
Then he tries to stop me when I did by flaming me on the internet and tried to make me quit.
So if you have this guy around like that he want's you to have a real death metal band and then you have to "have it at his house so he can use it".
Then you're not allowed to do anything else if you do have it for him at his house.
Yeah Right.
Why the fuck would I not move to the City to do music and books so some Carpet Cleaner Guy could have it at his house and be around it.
So he says that "His life is more important than mine" and he wanted me to quit doing music for real so I would stay home so he could have it at his house.
So I was moving away to do what I wanted and live in the big City by Starbucks and shit and this other guy goes around crying to everyone when I was leaving and tells everyone that his life is more important than mine and that I should stay home so he could be in it.
Then he tells everyone that "I should be doing music for him so he can be around it" that's because they all flames me and said that his like was more important than mine and that I should stay home and not move to the City so that he can still be around my music stuff because he didn't want to move.
Then he has this sacred life to everyone and you're not allowed making fun of him and he says that everyone has to be friends with him.
The he dresses right stupid and he wants you to have you music shit at his house so he can do it without doing anything or moving away.
So if you're friends with him you have to have all your stuff at his house so he can use it.
Then if you move away to do music on your own he says his life is sacred and his is more important that yours and he flames you on the internet and goes around crying to everyone trying to steal all your friends because you moved away and took your stuff with you and now he can't have it.
Then he says he is more important to everyone than me and everyone has to take his side and be friends with him because his life is so sacred.
And you have to have your music at his house so he can stay home and use it because he's more important to everyone.
Then Jason can't live in the City by Starbucks because the other guy is more important and has to stay home so the other guy can use his music stuff.
The he goes around saying everyone's friends like him more and they hate Jason because he won't keep his music stuff at the Carper Cleaner's Guys house so he can use it.
That's because he's more important than everyone and Jason's music stuff should be for him to use at his house and he doesn't want to move because everyone like him the most and they don't like Jason because he wanted to like by Starbucks and everyone else wanted to stay home.
Then the Carpet Cleaner Guy when he meets you he starts copying you and then he wants to meet all your friends.
The when he meets all your friends he starts copying you and tries to steal them.
Then he tells everyone he's more important than you and starts making fun of you behind you back to your own friends.
Then when you move away and he gets kicked out of your music stuff he gets mad and starts crying like a baby and he starts copying you and making fun of you to everyone and tries to steal all your friends because you won't have your music thing at his house and he didn't want to move.
That's because he the most super special friend to everyone he knows and you can't say anything bad about him.
Then if you own a big music thing everyone says you're not allowed to move away to the City to pursue it because he needs it at his house to be in music and won't leave.
Then if you move away anyway he cries to everyone he meets saying you're a prick because you wouldn't live in a small town so he could be in music.
That's because they all said that "Jason's music thing was for other people who were more important than him and they needed it at their house."
Then when Jason moved away by himself to do music they all flamed him on the internet and tried to make him quit because some Carpet Cleaner Guy was more important to them than Jason was and they all wanted Jason to stay home from the City so the other guy could have Jason's music business thing at his house so he could be in it and still stay home.
Yeah right, so I have to give up my life in the City so some other people I knew could have it at their house in a small town because they didn't want to move.
Now everyone loves them other guys and hate's me because I wanted to live by Starbucks and do music full time.
You people must be totally retarded to be out out in real life living that.
No one's stuff they do is for you at your house to use and no one give up their life somewhere so you can have it and be in music.
You are total retards.
Crying to everyone saying you're more important than me to everyone's friends because I want to live in the City and not have it at your house so you can use it and be in music because you all said you lives were more important than mine and every is your guys friends because your super special but you don't want to move but you want to have it anyway and everyone you know has to always please you because you are super important.
I don't think so.
Everyone know's your all super retarded and no one quits music and thier life in the City so you can stay home and have it at your house and so you can be in it.
Suck it losers.