Sunday, August 23, 2020

Disturbing Facts About The Death Rate

Here are some loose based facts about the death rate and some talking out of my ass opinions.

According to stastics the highest rate of survival is kids in elementary school who are under constant supervision.

This drops off after age 13 when kids attend Junior High School as your chances of death increase and again after 25 as people graduate university.

For most of my problems my issues arose in my early 30's when many people die of accidents and drug overdoses, these days I maintain a better safer life style.

This happens again after 45 when the death rate increases and your chances of dying continue to increase by statistics and by the time you are in your 50's many people you know have already died.

If you have ever wondered what happened to all those people you used to know after you are 30 chances are according to statistics that many of them have died and most of the public is younger generations.

The average life expectancy is around 71, by the time you approach this age many people that you know have died.

The positive side is that life expectancy has increased and the oldest person lived to be 122.

Science, medicine, clean water and food have all helped to increase the average live expectancy which has doubled in the last 200 years.

In the 1800's the average life expectancy was around 40 years old.  

After the 1900's this doubled to around 80.

Before this it was 20's to 30's in the earlier time periods. 

The 2000's could lead to a doubling of the life expectancy to 160 - 244 years old.

This is a fact that has already happened from the 1800's to the 1900's because of clean water, medicine etc.

Now listen to this fact...

As the 1900's started and the population grew so did pollution and contaminants.

So as pollution increased life expectancy doubled.

So did the population increased obviously scientific discovery increased as there are more people to study.

The larger population increased science even as the planet became dirty.

As we move into the 2000's and the world gets cleaner and with a large population it is only expected that lifespans will continue to increase.

If the cycle continues human lifespan will be 160 - 244 years old.

Statistics show that even if we do not reach age 200 that it will drastically increase as the planet is cleaned up and scientific advancement continues.



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