Sunday, August 23, 2020

POLITICS: Culture Clash In Leadership Race

In you're Canadian you understand what that can expect to win an election in Canada by running a Political Platform and Federal Government that only caters to minorities and small foreign countries south of the equator.

Like this, the NDP Leadership is asking for new Universal assistance, that's your current benefit plus $1200 a month for basic assistance for all Canadians.

The failed Liberal Party offers no support during the covid pandemic and the already failed Conservative only offers a foriegn support program with continues ties to Mexico that no one wants for political and economic mergers.

We don't live in Mexico or India.

What the NDP doesn't understand is when we say basic coverage we mean cleaning suppilies like laundry soap, dish soap, bleach, floor cleaner, shampoo, soap, mops, floor wax etc.

Stuff that the Liberal Party says are "luxury items"...

No we don't live in Mexico, India or the Middle East....they live outdoors in the desert in stone houses with bug nets and snakes in the floor.

Everyone knows this, when immigrants come to Canada they are supposed to adopt our beliefs and Canadian hygene for living indoors, that's the point of coming here.

They run a platform telling us that we don't need basic items for household maintenance and hygiene because they haven't adopted Canadian society which is part of their citizenship requirement.

No one is Canada is going to fall into a third world unsanatary lifestyle with or without covid.

Then we have winter, something they don't have there and we need extra money for that.

Basic minimum assistance is for hygiene supplies, cleaning supplies and the Canada Food Guide requirement, none of which is covered by Canada's basic assistance from the Liberal or Conservative Party.   

No one is living in filth for a failed Canadian Government.

They say that you need to have Canada's food nutrition guide then offers it to no one.

Now they are already transferring CERB back to Unemployment Insurance and you will have even less money.

If Canada has no money, immigration needs to be closed because that is our regular money and can take no foreign citizens who are draining our welfare and employment system.

The Liberal Party says basic cleaning and health items are luxury items anyway, and also DO NOT cover them during a health pandemic - that is a failed government.

The Conservative Party has failed multiple times with a failed foreign business policy with third world countries who don't have the same standards as Canadians. 

In business or in basic health.

The NDP wants basic coverage but they don't understand what being Canadian is in practice.

Basic minimum coverage of $2000 per month for all Canadians will help stop issues during the health crisis by already providing us with the items we should already have anyway.

That will move all cleaning supplies and hygiene supplies to mandatory requirement for basic assistance like soap and floor cleaners etc.

Then this will add the requirement for every Canadian household to have the basic Canada Food Guide Nutritional food amount.

Then we need new housing programs for Canadians to give them their own houses with non credit terms and no credit cheques, that will transfer their rent amout to home ownership.

After all that is covered we will then need extra money for covid support during the pandemic.


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